Is it possible to template int and string for configuration

I have a problem with multiple bluetooth devices and would like to use the device based on the mac-addr rather than the name hci#.

So far I’ve managed to get all the information as sensors:

Making it possible to use the secret in command_line (sensors/switches…)

- platform: template
      value_template: !secret mac_bt_internal

Getting the hci# from the template sensor

- platform: command_line
  name: dev_bt_internal
  command: hcitool dev | grep {{ states.sensor.mac_bt_internal.state }} | grep -oP hci.

Getting the # from the template sensor

- platform: command_line
  name: id_bt_internal
  command: hcitool dev | grep {{ states.sensor.mac_bt_internal.state }} | grep -oP hci. | tail -c 2

The entities

sensor.dev_bt_internal	hci2	            friendly_name: dev_bt_internal
sensor.id_bt_internal	2	                friendly_name: id_bt_internal
sensor.mac_bt_internal	AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF	friendly_name: mac_bt_internal

Now I would like to use them as a template for multiple components, but here is one example with adapter: int and one with adapter: string

adapter: int (in this case device_id, but same usage)

- platform: bluetooth_tracker
  track_new_devices: no
  device_id: 2

adapter: string

- platform: mitemp_bt
  name: 'Living Room'
  median: 3
  adapter: 'hci2'
  mac: !secret mac_bt_mitemp
    - temperature
    - humidity
    - battery

I’ve tried thing like, both with the hci# and #:

adapter: {{ states.sensor.dev_bt_internal.state }}

adapter: >
     {{ states.sensor.dev_bt_internal.state }}

adapter: >-
     {{ states.sensor.dev_bt_internal.state }}

adapter: >
    {% set hci = states.sensor.dev_bt_internal.state %}
    {{ hci }}

adapter: >-
    {% set hci = states.sensor.dev_bt_internal.state %}
    {{ hci }}

Anyone got any suggestions?

As far as I know templating is only available for the config of specific platforms, you can’t just template any value for any config of a platform.

Okey, thats to bad. Thanks!