up until now, I am using a couple of Tasmota-devices. As esphome and HA are getting closer and closer, I thought that esphome would be a part of HA. After some research, I found some posts from late 2022 that you have to run esphome in a separate docker container.
Is this still true? Do I need to set up esphome in its own container? (I am running HA in docker as well…)
I went to this page (-> Docker) to find some details about how to get my compose.yaml together, but there is nothing helpful there. The reference to documentation on https://esphome.io/ does not help either.
Where do I find the documentation on how to set up a esphome docker compose.yaml?! I like to use portainer to set up my containers…
Thank for any hint to the right documentation or some useful examples.
In the esphome example, there are environment variables for username and password. What for?
What about resources? How much RAM/CPU does this container need?
I am no docker pro and I would like to have some additional explanations to get comfortable with this image…
EDIT: in the official docker page (Docker), he image is pull like this: image: ghcr.io/esphome/esphome
On the official esphome page, there is this: image: ghcr.io/esphome/esphome
What is the difference? Is it the same image or different source?
I’m not also docker pro or even it pro.
I commented out ports because it has to run in host mode. I don’t remember exactly why, but probably I was testing things.
Maybe privileged isn’t necessary but as my local network isn’t reachable from out side I don’t care. It does work.
Maybe sometimes I will deal with but for now I don’t see any reason why.
Esphome container use marginal amount of cpu and ram. Cpu usage is on average on 0.04% and ram usage on average is 25 mb.
And you don’t need any username or password for it. I mean you can set username and password for every container if you want to prevent other users from accessing it. I don’t know why someone put it in some example.
I don’t know. I’m just using official esphome docker image. Anyone can build a docker image and put it on docker hub.