Is Media_Player (Media_Extractor) broken?

Hello Community,

I have no idea what did I do (in terms of the update as I have done a lot recently) but it seems that I cannot play any media on media_player service (or even media_extractor). Was wondering did you experience similar difficulties too?

I usually use node-red to run my automation scripts. First I notice the issue in there, spent hours fixing it with no joy. Then replicated the script in the native home_aassistant script editor and the result was the same.

The symptoms are,

  1. the communication between HA and the media player device takes place
  2. It seems that HA receives no error back from the player (logs are healthy)
  3. The player indicates that comms in progress by showing the cast logo (see attached)
  4. Yet nothing plays :frowning:

I tried it on Google nest, Bravia TV, and Volumio and the result was consistent. resetting devices and HA did not help.

Here is the simple script:

Action type
Call service

entity ID:

Service data:
entity_id: media_player.office_display
media_content_type: video/youtube

Oh BTW, changing content type had no effect.

Have I missed something or the services is really broken?

Thanks in advance

I was waiting for release 109 as it fixes an issue on Bravia_TV component. Well, I have to say its release date was perfect timing!! It released today and as you guessed, it fixed the issue instantly. I presume it remains as a mystery what happened to the media_extractor/Media_player.