Is Naba Casa not working?

After rebooting today. Running on 112.4, I thought I upgraded to 112.5 but the docker image didn’t get pulled down yet., Naba casa no longer works for me. Not sure if it is related. If I login to Nabacasa it says:
Connect to your Home Assistant instance remotely.
Connection failed: No response from instance

In HA I have this error:

## Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: hass_nabucasa.remote
First occurred: 4:17:21 PM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:00:21 PM

* Can't update remote details from Home Assistant cloud
* Can't handle request-connection without backend

Anyone else having issues? I tried logging out and back into Nabacasa from HA as well.

Hmm never mind after a full shutdown of the docker container and restart I can connect to nabacasa…

Funny, I had the same thing happen to me today as well. Maybe there was a change on the server side that required a reboot??

haha maybe.