Is the Home Assistant UI a True Progressive Web App (PWA)?

EDIT: I didn’t make it clear that I was referring to a PC rather than a mobile device originally.

I can install these community pages as a PWA from Edge or Chrome and get the proper Install App dialog.

If I install my HA instance as a PWA, then I don’t get this. So I assume it’s not a full PWA.

If it were, I’m sure we’d be able to get a bunch of sensors, be able to see the device and be able to track it and assign to a user/person.

We’d also get the option for better notification support - including when the PWA is closed.

Am I missing something? Should all this already be possible or is it something on the roadmap?



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All this is possible with the companion app. Just use the app instead of PWA.

This could be possible, but probably most people just use the native app, so no one bothers coding it in.

Sorry, should’ve been clearer. I meant on a PC…

As stated when replying to @Burningstone, I meant on a PC. I will update the post.

Have you tried html5 notifications already?

It’s not just HTML5 notifications. If a true PWA would be able to access sensors such as battery, location, network, alarms, etc.

There’s no reason why a laptop/tablet, PC or Mac should be treated differently from a mobile device. With many now coming with SIM/eSIM capabilities and pretty much the same sensors as a mobile, we should be able to interact with them in just the same way.

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The battery API is deprecated from what I believe.

I confirm it’s not a real PWA in terms of installability (I mean with a service worker behind the scene).
It’d be great to have it as a PWA, it would allow us to get regular notifications on any desktop computer.
I believe it’d also ease the app update.

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