Is there a default username and pwd to get new HA installation started?

Hi all,
I followed the intallation instructions using BalenaEtcher on a windows PC and installed:
on my SD card (32GB) for the Rasperry pi 4 (as instructed by HA website)
When I start my raspberry again I get finally a black screen with the following:

Welcome to Home Assistant
homeassistant login:

I couldn’t find any default user name or pwd. Is there one?
Does anyone have an idea how to get it started?
thanks in advance
a newbe (obviously)

You are not supposed to turn it of or reboot.
From the time you insert the SD card then just leave it on and you should get to a onboarding screen where you choose username and password.

Probably, when you rebooted HA skipped the onboarding.

You access the HA installation using a browser opening http://homeassistant.local:8123/ or http://ip of raspberry:8123/

The onboarding process includes user registration

thanks for your help, much appreciated. Let me precise my procedure and what I see:

I was installing HA in the OS version on the SD card using etcher.
If I understood correct, this version includes an

  • OS to run on a raspberry pi4 and
  • the HomeAssistant application it selves
    by installing it on the SD card, the card will be formatted upfront.
    After successful installation on the SD card (that’s what etcher says), I remove it from my PC card reader and enter it into raspberry pi 4. (network cable is o.k.)

now I start the raspberry and I get the black screen with:
welcome to home Assistant
homeassistant login: [ 19.419078] udevd[2021]: bind failed: Address in use
[ 19.419078] udevd[2021]: error binding udevd control socket

after playing on the keyboard I get

homeassistant login:

there is no chance to enter any webaddress or anything else.
the system is just asking for the login
while doing try and error I used “root” and got to the Home Assistant command line

Can I start HomeAssistant from command line?
If so, how?

tx ia

You go to the web address from your mobile phone or computer, not from the homeassistant device.

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Home assistant is running. You just need to open the web interface from a browser on another device.

Hi gents,
I don’t want to leave this discussion without telling, you have been of great help.
Home Assistant is up and running
thanks from

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Hi al.
I am new of HA, so I have no knowledge of this system.
Following the instructions I created the VM using VirtualBox and run it. When the boot is complete, HA asks for login.
At this point I believe I should create a User ID entering the web page.
When I try entering the webpage I got an error that tells my the page does not exists. I tried not only homeassistant.local:8123 link but also:

thanks for your help

What address are you typing?

Just faced the same issue. Problem was that there was another HA server on the same domain, and the homeassistant.local address was taken. So, I had to login to the fresh system using its own IP address.


I setup my first homeaisstant VM on proxmox and right after the setup after few minutes of exploring the home assistant UI I was logged out and I didn’t remember the username.

Spent hours try to recover the username without any luck. I had to delete the VM and create again from scratch. And when I arrive at the initial setup screen now I remember my previous username.

So if anyone else is struggling the same way I did. Let me tell you. Your username is the same as your Home name you gave in the setup screen.

Why most of the people forget their username is that on the setup screen you don’t enter the username instead you enter the Home name and setup automatically puts your home name in small letters as your username, so mostly people will not change it.

This was exactly my issue as well. Getting a new HA system ready for moving to a new house and did not understand what happened. Thanks.