Is there a pie or doughnut chart that works?

I tried few of them, but all have a color bug, is a version that works ?
Thank you

This is so frustrating - I tried (it’s based on

It works perfectly, until it doesn’t … suddenly the colours are gone (and occasionally pop up) and the “unknown” value (total amount minus entity values) shows like 20 decimal places, even though the individual values have 3 decimal places max. Even deleting everything from Lovelace, uninstalling the addon and setting it up fresh, doesn’t solve the issue - the only thing that works is to reload a full backup of HA… something is seriosly broken there - it seems like it messes up somethin within HA actually, because as soon as the addon stops working correctly, so do input numbers (which I used to define the total amount) - they don’t keep their values after rebooting - and rebooting itself takes forever.

so if anyone has a working alternative, I’d really appreciate it too ^^

Sadly it’s buggy.
The only workaround I found ( suggested by someone here ) is to disable the real time update. I have a look not more that one time a day, so that’s ok for me, but if you need real time update that will not.
Here a modified version

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Any update on this? (just because I tried to use @proxy64 version but I cannot see any pie in lovelace).

Any news here?!

Development on the addons I suggested seems to have completely been abandoned. However there’s a feature request Pie Chart for Lovelace

How come so few people are interesed in this?! :thinking: