I have a new blind i want to add to deconz (the old one is already in the IKEA HUB, but I want to move everything to Deconz).
So the remote is working ‘locally’ through the repeater, they are already paired up, but of course it needs to be added to Deconz.
I’m running the deconz addon in Hass.IO.
If i click ‘add IKEA switch’ then it doesn’t show the provided switch from IKEA, only the round ones.
Late so maybe you have solved it…
The included trådfri remote does not pair with more than one unit, either a end-device (as the blind) or a hub/gateway.
I bought the blind a couple of days ago, and i have Conbee ll/Deconz.
If you reset the switch by 4-5 quick short presses on the reset/pairing button inside, then search for the “round” Ikea remote or “other” (i don´think its matter) while pressing (hold) the pairing-button inside the switch it actually pairs withot notice, but not visible in the Phoscon gateway app. If you see in the old Deconz gui with VNC or in HA you will see it.
When pressed it will make events with two different numbers, depends on up/down button on the remote.
I am struggling with pairing the blind with Conbee ll/Deconz, i don´t know why yet, maybe it is firmware related so i think i am gonna by a trådfri gateway on my way home from work today.
If you have been able to pair your blinds directly with other hardware than Ikea gateway i am interested to know how
As I already have the IKEA hub and I haven’t found a way of pairing it with deconz, it’s still there. I don’t think the blind will go directly to deconz, that’s what the repeater should help with, but I don’t know f or sure.
I read here som place that someone manage to do it, so it should be possible. But i think they have to group them and also do something in the clusterpanel in the old Deconz GUI to get them paired and report correct battery status to HA. I have the Conbee ll, but i am gonna buy the trådfri to ease the firmware upgrade on trådfri devices. But i read somewhere her that event that should be possible through Deconz and get the OTA firmware files here http://fw.ota.homesmart.ikea.net/feed/version_info.json
Adding it is fairly straight forward: Start the pairing mode in the WebUI, press and hold both buttons on the blind, wait ~20-30s.
However the reporting of the position and controlling it in general has been too unreliable for me, I’m testing ZHA now