Is there a similar graph that shows trending up or down alongside it?

You could create derivative sensors for each of those temperatures, which would show the rate of change of temperature (degrees per minute). You’d probably want to set up a time_window large enough that you get at least a few readings in the calculation.

You could still use gauge cards to show the value of those new sensors.

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I use a Vertical Stack card with a Statistics Graph. The average is generated using the ‘Average Sensor for Home Assistant’ from HACS.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: gauge
    needle: true
    max: 100
    name: Deck Plants Soil Moisture (40-60)
    min: 1
      - from: 0
        color: '#db4437'
      - from: 20
        color: '#ffa600'
      - from: 40
        color: '#43a047'
      - from: 60
        color: '#ffa600'
      - from: 90
        color: '#db4437'
    entity: sensor.deck_plants_soil_humidity
  - chart_type: line
    period: day
    type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.deck_plants_moisture_average
      - mean
      - min
      - max
    days_to_show: 14
    hide_legend: false
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