You could create derivative sensors for each of those temperatures, which would show the rate of change of temperature (degrees per minute). You’d probably want to set up a time_window
large enough that you get at least a few readings in the calculation.
You could still use gauge cards to show the value of those new sensors.
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I use a Vertical Stack card with a Statistics Graph. The average is generated using the ‘Average Sensor for Home Assistant’ from HACS.
type: vertical-stack
- type: gauge
needle: true
max: 100
name: Deck Plants Soil Moisture (40-60)
min: 1
- from: 0
color: '#db4437'
- from: 20
color: '#ffa600'
- from: 40
color: '#43a047'
- from: 60
color: '#ffa600'
- from: 90
color: '#db4437'
entity: sensor.deck_plants_soil_humidity
- chart_type: line
period: day
type: statistics-graph
- sensor.deck_plants_moisture_average
- mean
- min
- max
days_to_show: 14
hide_legend: false
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