Is there a simple skeleton for a cloud_polling integration?

I’d like to implement a simple integration.

(1) Config host + credentials
(2) Periodically poll a rest endpoint in the internet
(3) Expose results of the poll as sensor values

Should be pretty simple… is there kind of example for that common task?


You mean a custom integration? That wouldn’t be a “common task” :wink:
What would it do the that the builtin Restful one wouldn’t?

Maybe I don’t understand the docs of Restful. I have an endpoint that delivers something like:

[ {'name': 'a', 'max': 100, 'actual': 10, 'active': true},
 {'name': 'd', 'max': 50, 'actual': 40, 'active': true},
 {'name': 'q', 'max': 1000, 'actual': 180, 'active': false}

And I want to make sensors out of a, d, q but this is not a fixed set of objects. Think that won’t work with the RESTful plugin.