Is there a tool to configure my zigbee IR blaster?

I was using a Logitech Harmony remote and its software for a long time. I am looking for an alternative that could get integrated into HA (a bit like Harmony Hub).

I found this :
It communicates correctly via zigbee using Zigbee2MQTT. I can read and send codes with it.
But now, what if I want to do more ?

Is there a tool somewhere, maybe similar to Logitech Harmony software, that would allow me to configure remotes and codes for devices ? Maybe that could even retrieve IR codes from a database ? I would love to have an equivalent of logitech harmony experience from HA. Is it possible ?

Thanks in advance for any answer, have a great day

I’m curious about this as well.
So far it’s been done manually, fetching the ir signal from original remote or harmony

There is an integration for another remote that may fit your needs. It’s the Broadlink integration, for the RM mini, RM mini 3, RM pro, RM pro+, RM plus, RM4 mini, RM4 pro, RM4C mini and RM4 TV mate remotes.