Is there a way to change the radius for the home location?

When I add radius:50 underneath the *homeassistant section and I do a “check config” I don’t get an error, but get an indefinite spinning circle.

Hi is there a resolution to this? I’m having problem where if I change the home radius in configuration in Configuration.yaml in zone then my automations when I enter leave home does not work. the reason to change my home zone radius is because in certain area of the radius there is a spot that HASS tracks me in as I entered then 5 sec later it tracks me as exited, which can cause issues in my automation. This is the main reason I wanted to change the 100 radius to like 30. but even when I changed the radius in the yaml file, HA still tracks in out of that area. below is what I entered in the yaml file. I’m new to HASS so any help to get past this issue would be helpful.

  - name: Home
    latitude: xx.xxxxx
    longitude: -xx.xxxxx
    radius: 24
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
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Did you find a solution? I’ve created an overlapping larger zone but it’s annoying.

I find a solution:
In the UI go to configuration>customizations and on that page find your home zone in the pulldown. Then you can override the default radius.


In Rasberry Pi OS, there’s no customizations option in configurateion page.
AM I doing something wrong?

You need to enable “Advanced Mode” in your Profile page.

No use. The “Advanced Mode” in user profile page is enabled by default and there’s no options to edit default home zone via WebUI.

Yes there is. Configuration, Customizations, select zone.home and you can overwrite the radius:

Here, I’ve already changed mine to 20m as a test.

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Oh, there it is. Thanks a lot

I thought I should edit it from “Configuration - Zone” page

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I am running Home Assistant 2022.2.3 in Docker and I do not see this option.

I was trying to edit from “Configuration - Zone” which the pencil icon is grayed out. There is no “Configuration - Customization”

When I go to “Configuration - Devices & Services - Entities - zone.home” it says that it is read only because it does not have a unique ID.

The customization GUI is gone.
You can change it in yaml:

      radius: 30

That worked, thank you very much!

# Override default home zone
  - name: Home
    latitude: xx.953xx412972839
    longitude: xx.285xx2892672644
    radius: 100
    icon: mdi:account-multiple

and you can see new home radius directly in → Configuration → zone → zone

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