Hi everyone!
I have a KNX HVAC device with cool and heat mode amongst others. Then I have one thermostat in each room and a door that opens or closes the air conduit for that room. I have them exposed to Google Assistant. My main problem is that when I say “Ok google turn on the air conditioner in the living room” it always turns on in heat mode, which also changes the HVAC mode to heat. I have to say “Ok google, turn on cool mode in the living room”. Not a big deal for me, but not easy to remember for my wife and others.
Also I tried making an automation to change the mode back to cool but it seems mess up with my other climate control automations and saturate my KNX bus and stranger things happen: turn on in heat mode -> change HVAC machine to heat -> change all thermostats to heat -> change HVAC machine to cool -> change all thermostats to cool -> doors opening and closing -> all happening very quickly and resulting in some thermostats in cool mode, some others in heat mode all fighting to control HVAC machine and me haz to restart HASS and KNX.
So, is there a way I can setup climate so that it turns on in cold mode by default without making an automation? some set_default_mode or tell_google_to_use_freaking_cool_mode_to_turn_on or alike?
Someone may have more experience with the equipment you are using but as quick fix why couldn’t you expose a scene or script to Google Assistant that turned it on then put it in cooling mode or use a Routine in Google Assistant?
Thanks for the help!
Ye, I thought of them both.
The problem with making an “air conditioner” scene is that it would conflict with the climate and Google Assistant would answer “Sorry, I don’t know which air conditioner you want to turn on”. And I cannot hide the climate if I want to be able to change temperature or mode.
The routine route is surely working, as it overrides the instruction, but I would have to configure it in my account and in my wife’s too. Not that big of a deal but I’d rather make all the fixes in HASSIO if possible to avoid having to tinker with Google Assistant. I’ll use that if it’s the only way to go.
Hi cyberchin! Having same problem… Have you managed to fix it?
Nup. I just made an input select that remembers the current mode so that I can restore it when climate turns on.
As it’s one of the first Google results, I’ll add my solution: I’ve added action in node-red so always when there’s climate turn_on
command I’m sending additional set_hvac_mode
to cool
I’ve also added an additional layer on top with Google Home routines, so the command “turn on the AC” actually sends “set AC to cool”.
Either of those should work on their own.
Thanks for the answer. I have made an automation in HASS too to address this issue but it’s a bit of a dirty fix. In winter I like to use my air conditioner as a boost heater and I don’t want it to go into cool mode. Yes, I made an automation with an input select to restore climate’s state but I just wish we will some day have it working propperly.
I’ve been told that this should be fixed in 0.115. Fingers crossed!
Having same problem… is there a solution?
any good news about it ?
I know this is over a year old, but same problem is still present.
Even worse though. When Google turns on with “Turn on the Air-Conditioner” it sets the Air conditioner to the Heat/Cool mode. Thing is even when I set the range to 18-22 (in celsius) regardless of the room temperature it always starts in HEAT mode.
Guessing by the silence for a year on this that there is no solution, but it would be really good now as Google can set timers. Ie: Can say “Turn on the Air-conditioner at 10pm” and it will do it. Trouble is, it will always be heat…
I also have the same problem - but I haven’t figured out if always happens, or just most of the time.
I’m curious to understand if there is a mode sent to the AC within the switch off command (in the same way that when using the RF remote all the settings are sent, not just the button pushed).
I’m hoping to be able to fiddle a bit one day to understand under what combination of remote, HA, Google Assistant commands causes the issue - and then if I can determine whether the issue lies with the turn off or turn on command - or both!
I had a peek at some of the code and found this kind of thing, where the mode is added in with the off command - but I don’t really know what this means in practice.
async def _update_settings(self, settings):
"""Update settings to set on Daikin device."""
# start with current values
current_val = await self._get_resource('aircon/get_control_info')
# we are using an extra mode "off" to power off the unit
if settings.get('mode', '') == 'off':
self.values['pow'] = '0'
# some units are picky with the off mode
self.values['mode'] = current_val['mode']
self.values['pow'] = '1'
Anyway - it may be forever until I get around to it, but my thoughts may inspire others or spark a memory if you’ve done testing yourself.