Hello everyone,
I would like to filter out useless data upon reception.
The data is being received from Tasmota devices.
The idea is to ignore all incoming payloads if the value changes are small.
Here is an example rule on one of the tasmota devices, but I would like to process in Home Assistant instead as the processing in tasmota is not as “clean” as I would like.
I am currently filtering in tasmota using
Rule1 ON energy#power[1] DO IF (%value%>150) PowerDelta 130 ELSEIF (%value%>100) PowerDelta 120 ELSEIF (%value%>50) PowerDelta 110 ELSEIF (%value%>20) PowerDelta 105 ELSEIF (%value%<=20) PowerDelta 102 ENDIF ENDON
So depending on the energy range I am in, larger or smaller powerdeltas are needed before a payload is sent.
In Home Assistant I would instead need to do something similar.
Would that be possible? This should happen on-the-fly before the data is being written to the recorder (or at all visible to the system, so e.g. also not available to the graphs etc.). So ideally between the broker and the system.
Is that achievable somehow?
Thank you all for your ideas