Is there a way to not show the button state in Paper Buttons Row add on?

Is there a way to not show the button state in Paper Buttons Row add on?
I tried using css but without success:

      - entity:
        icon: mdi:pencil-outline
        name: Modo
        state: false
        layout: icon_name
            font-size: 1.2rem
            padding: 8px
            '--mdc-icon-size': 30px
              color: var(--paper-item-icon-inactive-color)
              color: var(--paper-item-icon-inactive-color)

It is not an addon and why don’t you ask on their github.

Thank you, @nickrout
Very lovely.


    display: none
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@koying it hides the button

If that’s not what you want, you might need to clarify.

Anyway, GitHub - jcwillox/lovelace-paper-buttons-row: Adds highly configurable buttons that use actions and per-state styling. tells you what you can style, with standard CSS

according to the docs and simplifying your css

      - entity:
        icon: mdi:pencil-outline
        name: Modo
        layout: icon_name
            font-size: 1.2rem
            padding: 8px
            color: var(--paper-item-icon-inactive-color)
            '--mdc-icon-size': 30px

Hi @petro
Thank you for the suggestion, but it still showing the button state.

Still not clear (to me) what you’re trying to achieve.
Screenshots are worth a thousand words…

The button is used for a infrared device, so there is no way to ensure that the device is on or off, so I would like to avoid the device state to be showed. See in example below that Timer was trigged but it’s not the real state of command, so I want to not show the device state:

You need to work on your definition of ‘the state’. Please elaborate because I do not see a state listed on anything here.

FYI to home assistant land. The state of a device is a word, like “on”, or “off”…

That’s why I made this topic.
As it’s a IR device, there is no way to know the real state (“on” or “off”) of the final device (ex. television), so I would like the button to not report their “state” as it is can not reflecting the final device real state (ex. if someone power off television thru remote control instead of HA). Got it?

No I don’t because the image you showed does not have states… and your asking to not show what it does not have. Do you see how that doesn’t make sense?


You’re still not understanding.

Oh I understand, but I’m trying to get it out of you. I’m 95% sure you’re talking about state COLOR, but you refuse to use the word for some reason.

Yeah… It was implicit :slight_smile:

Really? It was implicit? Everyone who replied had no clue what you were referring to. Next time be more explicit.

This should work.

      - entity:
        icon: mdi:pencil-outline
        name: Modo
        layout: icon_name
            font-size: 1.2rem
            padding: 8px
            '--paper-item-icon-active-color': var(--paper-item-icon-inactive-color)
            '--mdc-icon-size': 30px
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Thank you for the code share, but no lucky here!