Along with HA, I also run Sonarr/Radarr for automation of media downloads and organization. Right now, these services only notify my Android phone via Pushover, and it works great. However, I’d really like to be able to notify my wifes iOS device as well, without having to also install Pushover, or anything other then the already existing HA iOS app she already has.
I know that Sonarr/Radarr have components for HA, but I don’t beleive there is a way to send a notification when new content is downloaded. However, when I look through settings for S/R, I notice that I can use Webhooks or a custom script when downloads complete. Would there be a way to tie this into HA, so that I can forward those notifications that way instead?
i use a shell script to create a persistent notification in hass.
if [ "${sonarr_eventtype}" = "Grab" ]; then
msg=`echo Sonarr ${type}ed an episode of ${sonarr_series_title}`
curl -X POST -d "{\"message\":\"$msg\",\"title\":\"Sonarr\"}" http://<your-HASS-ipaddress:8123/api/services/persistent_notification/create