Is there a way to rename Wink entity?

My GoControl garage door controller was not working (in both HA+Wink) since last few days. Reboot of Wink hub 2 and reboot of the device it self didn’t help so I removed garage door from the Wink hub 2 and re-added. All started working in Wink hub 2 but HA was showing status unavailable and noticed that I have new entity called cover.garage_door_2 (previous was cover.garage_door).

I am using HA version 0.69.1 and looks like Wink is not using entity registry yaml yet so I will have to modify all yaml files to new name unless there is a way to change the entity name.

Note: Wink device name is the same even after remove+add at least Wink app shows that way may be internal name got changed?


Hmmm strange. The easy thing would be to delete the HA database but you would lose everything. I will implement the entity registry soon.

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@w1ll1am23, nice.
Thanks for the quick reply. For now I will change the entity name in yamls to use new ones and may be AppDaemon App.
By the way I verified the device name in the Wink system using [email protected] and was showing the same name and no change.
Appreciate it.

Here are some more updates:

  1. After re-adding the device in Wink hub 2, I took short cut rather than restarting the HA and used service wink.pull_newly_added_devices_from_wink to get updates and it did add another entity. After modifying all the yamls I had to restart the HA.
  2. After HA restart I lost the newer entity and got the original back so revert yamls changes and restart HA.
  3. All works now as it was before.
    May be this was false alarm but call to HA service (wink.pull_newly_added_devices_from_wink) did something different then expected.

Ahhh okay correct, that makes sense. The add new doesn’t remove old maybe I should look in to that.

No worries, thanks!