Is there a way to sync states of the switches (zigbee) that is currently working?

I tried about 10 blueprints and still just end up with mess ie. ha-blueprints/ha-blueprint-linked-entities.yaml at 17967a50e7df30668c5b8964e5773fd0b33cf0b5 · alexdelprete/ha-blueprints · GitHub this results in . It was all working until few months ago there was change that removed some service that made my previous solution to not work and I just can’t get it to work now.

Don’t know if this helps or not, but I ofer it as maybe an idea.
Home-Assistant-Config/automation2/Mom_A2.yaml at 939d14a3ca362ddbcb2c11bd5f6833af64c8814c · SirGoodenough/Home-Assistant-Config · GitHub.
Those 3 lights have other ways to control them, but like when you come home, you want them all on, or when you retire for the evening you want them off. This trigger (a button/binary sensor) is the master switch that does that regardless of the current state. I usually voice it but it has a battery button connected to it as well.

maybe someone else solved this? (catching at straws)

I use Link On/Off State of Multiple Devices

Works fine. If you have interference then zigbee device can be delayed. I have a strong zigbee network and never get delays anymore.