Is there a way to use other thing than state in conditional of picture element?

Hi all,

I would like to make a conditional in the picture element, not based on state, but based on other data, like the source of a TV.

is it possible ?

I don’t think this is directly possible.
However you could just simply create a Template Sensor and set the value_template to the attribute of your TV (for example).

good idea,
i will see if I can do what I need with that

Should be pretty straight-forward, something like

value_template: "{{ state_attr('','attribute') }}"

You can then use the state: field in the conditional card :slight_smile:

it’s working fine.
I used this.

        value_template: >
          {% if is_state("media_player.living_tv", "off") -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {{ state_attr("media_player.living_tv", "source") }}
          {%- endif %}

Another question:
do you know if with template sensor we can change icon color ?