Is there an alternative to Android TV ADB implementation?


has anyone managed to implement Home Assistant integration with Android TV without using ADB?
I know some of the TV’s have native integration with Home Assistant (like Sony Android TV).
but I specifically need it for Nvidia Shield TV Pro and without being relied on ADB connection.

maybe some app I’m not aware of that can achieve something similar?
I’m sure that if there is going to be some other solution it wont be as powerful as ADB but it might be good enough for me. (especially as I basically only need it for knowing knowing what its currently is running)

I’m curious, what do you see as a concern for ADB? Performance? That’s my biggest problem with it.

The closest thing we can probably get is someone pretending to be the shield remote app for android. I don’t know if anyone has investigated the protocol used between the two. So probably starting with wireshark to see if it’s actually encrypted traffic or not is a starting point.

performance and not being that reliable. also I’m not sure what I feel about ADB is being more of a “workaround” than an actual implementation, now sure. many custom smart home solutions are mostly “workarounds”. but I prefer to find different solution for my Living room android Set up box (Nvidia Shield TV Pro). as I’m already using this method for my bedroom TV.

that’s why I’m asking if there is an alternative method. even if it doesn’t provide 100% of the features that ADB method provides.