Is there an easy way to get human-friendly weather condition strings?

The Weather Integration has a pre-defined list of possible conditions. These are things like sunny (which is fine) and lightning-rainy or partly-cloudy. Those don’t lend themselves to human display or natural-seeming text-to-speech.

I started to make a template sensor to translate to things like “rainy, with lightning” and “partly cloudy”, but… is there a better way, or something already done?

I don’t think it has forecasting.

I was using NOAA for a while, until I got my PWS back up and running and now using Weather Underground.

Both my Ecobee thermostats (which pull the data from some service the Ecobee company has contracted with) and the NWS/NOAA integration show up as weather entities. These include forecasts. For example, from the Ecobee, I get a sensor with (currently) a state of sunny and these attributes:

emperature: 59
humidity: 56
pressure: 29.59
wind_bearing: 253
wind_speed: 6
visibility: 16
- condition: sunny
  temperature: 61
  templow: 44
  wind_bearing: 253
  wind_speed: 6
  datetime: '2022-04-08T22:01:35.451916+00:00'
- condition: rainy
  temperature: 55
  templow: 48
  wind_bearing: 203
  wind_speed: 8
  datetime: '2022-04-09T22:01:35.451916+00:00'
- condition: partlycloudy
  temperature: 52
  templow: 42
  wind_bearing: 290
  wind_speed: 10
  datetime: '2022-04-10T22:01:35.451916+00:00'
- condition: sunny
  temperature: 58
  templow: 40
  wind_bearing: 293
  wind_speed: 8
  datetime: '2022-04-11T22:01:35.451916+00:00'
- condition: rainy
  temperature: 64
  templow: 48
  wind_bearing: 274
  wind_speed: 8
  datetime: '2022-04-12T22:01:35.451916+00:00'

I know how to access these. However, strings like partlycloudy are not very useful. As far as I know, jinja2 doesn’t have a “switch/case” statement, so that means a bunch of unwieldy, long if/elsif sections in templates, with a lot of repetition.

I guess I could make a helper entity with, itself, attributes like partlycloudy: "partly cloudy" and so on, and then use that as a translation function. But I’m open to better ideas — ideally, already-done ones!

NOAA has forecasting.

Yes. But as you can see, Home Assistant provides those forecasts as strings meant for computer use, not human presentation.

Use a dictionary.

The following example uses the state value of weather.whatever to find a matching key in the my_forecasts dictionary (and reports the key’s associated value). If there’s no matching key, it reports unknown.

{% set my_forecasts = {'sunny': 'Full Sun', 'partlycloudy': 'A few clouds', 'rainy': 'Showers'} %}
{{ my_forecasts.get(states('weather.whatever'), 'unknown') }}

So something like this isn’t what you are looking for? (NOAA) (replace my location knak with yours)


Thanks – that’s better than a big if/else block. Is there any way to define the dictionary globally, or does it need to go in every template the value might be used?

That’s too much information. You get a long string like “Mostly clear, with a low around 38. Northwest wind around 14 mph”, or “A slight chance of rain showers after 2pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 64. West wind 2 to 7 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.” I want a short condition summary, but in human-readable text.

And, unless I’m missing something, the hourly forecasts just have the short string, no detailed description.

Store it as a secret in the secrets file.

my_forecasts: "{'sunny': 'Full Sun', 'partlycloudy': 'A few clouds', 'rainy': 'Showers'}"

Use a script variable to reference it wherever you need it.

  - variables:
      forecasts: !secret my_forecasts
  - service: notify.whatever
      message: "{{ forecasts.get(states('weather.whatever'), 'unknown') }}"
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Clever! That seems like a useful hack for a lot of shared code. Maybe an abuse of “secrets”, but…doesn’t feel awful.