Is there an entity card that shows the person's picture that has been set through the UI?

So I have been looking for a card that behaves like the State Label badge when it comes to person pictures - when you set a person entity as the entity for that badge, the person’s profile picture, that has been set through the UI, shows up. You don’t have to specify a path to a specific image through the configuration, it syncs automatically with the picture.

I expected the Picture Entity card to do something like this; however, for that, you do have to specify an image file in the path config. Is there a mod for the Picture Entity or some other custom card that does the same thing as the State Label badge?

Thanks in advance.

Entities or glance card can do that.Or even better, the custon:button-card can show entity_picture, like this:

type: custom:button-card
entity: person.yourperson
show_icon: false
show_entity_picture: true
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The closest built-in card will be glance cards. You can configure them to look very closely like the state label badges. It won’t have the funky border, but it’ll contain the current state and the image. You can even combine it with the filter card to have it only show when people are home (or not).

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This worked perfectly! Thank you.

How do you get HA to recognize the custom button card? My HA keeps telling me there isn’t one

Custom element doesn't exist: button-card.
type: custom:button-card
entity: person.yourperson
show_icon: false
show_entity_picture: true

install it via HACS

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Thank you for such a prompt response! It worked