Is there another view in Node-RED?

So, I have created flows in Node-RED, and they work as intended. But, since I wanted to have multiple (related) flows on the same tab, I tried to add labels to them, using an ui_template node. I configured it with some basic html to get a nice black label. But, i only see this:

Skärmavbild 2022-08-25 kl. 09.22.45

How can I see the result? Is there another view in Node-RED that I have missed, like a “result” view?

Are you talking about the debug node?
Connect a inject node on the left and a debug node on the right, deploy, then press the button on the inject node.

I assume that all you wish to do is to add ‘notes’ to your flows in the flow editor… This is quite different to the Node-RED dashboard (UI).

The bit with the flows (tabs) and code (sequences) is the editor.

You can add notes to each node, but for easy visual notes I use the ‘comment’ node, and add a note in the heading.

The template node is part of the UI set of nodes, for producing and displaying output in the ‘dashboard’. Node-RED when running as a stand-alone (eg on my Raspberry Pi) produces a web-served dashboard on the host ip address, at port 1880/ui. However, when running on HA as an addon the ports and page are shifted, so it ends up at something like… http://homeassistant.local:8123/endpoint/ui

That said, the easy way to get to NR (as an addon) and the NR dashboard in HA is

  • add Node-RED to the sidebar menu (so you can get at the flows): see settings, addons, node-red, show in sidebar ‘on’
  • add Home Assistant Node-RED Dashboard addon. This neat bit of code adds the Node-RED dashboard as an option to the side bar, so you can see the UI output from within HA!

To actually get anything to display on the dashboard requires quite a bit of work to set up the sections and tabs, and to add UI nodes, all of which require adding in to a flow somewhere. Such things as the (text) labels show msg.payload by default.

The dashboard is quite a big part of NR, and has its own menu on the right hand edit bar
This manages all the sections, tabs, and display entities. At the top right is a symbol, which when clicked, will open the dashboard as a new browser tab from within the editor (another useful way to get to the dashboard) although doing so from within HA typically throws a need to enter passwords as you are exposing an HA controlled page.

Your ‘template’ node is intended to be part of a flow, taking in something via msg.payload, and using that to modify or update the Node-RED UI.

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Thank you for the brilliant answer, @Biscuit ! It all makes sense now.

Iirc, you need to add the dashboard repository for it to show up in the add-on store. That may have changed since I installed it.

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