Is there another way besides samba that you can use as ftp?

I am a little frustrated with samba, samba does not show the files on the network. It works very badly in windows I want to upload the hac folder to yam files. I uploaded it manually and it fails.


Atom or other editor with build-in ftp/sftp. Connect, upload/download and you’re done.

I have not been able to understand where the root folder of home asisstant is nor have I been able to get to the folders with cmd Do you have an example of how I could do it with atom?



yes, I am using a raberry pi.
what commands would you use to access the homeasisstant folders

With a ssh terminal…

Can I add files with the ssh terminal?

With copy/paste. Better with filezilla and make an sftp connection.

And the directory is /home/pi/.homeassistant
