Is there any gateway with built-in Zigbee/Z-Wave that works with Home Assistant?

As @NathanCu already said, I prefer to keep the radios separate as I can replace them as needed with minimal effort. I have routinely upgraded both my zwave and zigbee sticks to access the latest technology or simply to resolve issues (ie: I was having big issues with the TI Zigbee chip and resolved them all moving to the SI chip… whether it was a chip or firmware issue is unknown but it solved all my issues). I have also recently added a 3rd dongle dedicated to Thread / Matter.

Also, my HA instance runs on a Lenovo Tiny P360 inside a network rack metal cabinet so with extension cables I can place the dongles on top of the cabinet for better connectivity.

While I can see the appeal of an “all in one” solution, I cringe at how this would limit my ability to troubleshoot, upgrade, and expand my system.

Edit: For the same reason, avoid those dongles that do zwave and zigbee. For other reasons, I also avoid any ethernet to xyz radio but that is a whole other topic.

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After giving your SwitchBot solution a second thought, I’m starting to think about tinkering with an ESP32-based USB switch instead, lol.

As long as it works with the port and hub setup you go with since the base premise is just to have the option to toggle the power for the port.

For ref I have it press the button, wait 10s then press it again then reload ZHA.

Has anybody tried doing a remote Z-Wave by using ser2net? I have this working for ZigBee here but I can’t test it against my Z-Wave controller.

On second thoughts, maybe Zwave2mqtt won’t support that setup?

A quick look up bring this up Home Assistant, Docker, zwave-js-ui, ser2net · GitHub

I use ser2net on a RPi 3B for both Z-wave and Zigbee. Works Fine and is supported by the Add-ons/Integrations without issues.

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