Is there any way I can identify in Home Assistant Zigbee devices connected to different coordinators?
I use 4 Zigbee2MQTT interfaces on Docker (50+5+4+12 devices).
Why do I use 4 coordinators? After switching to smaller networks, I saw dramatic improvements in the network’s stability. So, all critical devices with high requests for stability and synchronization are on a separate network. And it really works well!
IIRC, a Zigbee2MQTT bridge device gets created in the MQTT integration (at least it is on mine). It has a device_id, so maybe that would help?
As an aside, I can only imagine the amount of interference using 4 coordinators. Are they all on separate channels??? I mean, if it works, it works… just strikes me as overkill lol
Thank you.
For “Connected via”, I see the same name for all coordinators (“Zigbee2MQTT Bridge”)
In configuration.yaml, I have different names for “base_topic: zigbee2mqtt01”
The question is, do you have 4 bridge devices added in MQTT? You should be able to [maybe] differentiate between them by their device_ids. If you hover over the link, you should see something like http://ha.local.lan:8123/config/devices/device/fb70da414c32efb92c7d4c577c713cfe. The last parameter will be the device_id for each bridge (hopefully).
That’s crazy… I have 150+ devices on a single coordinator/instance. Rock solid as well… but if it works for you, color me impressed!
Thank you for the replay. Not sure if it helps me.
I have sensor for measure mean of linkquality of devices:
- sensor:
- name: Average Zigbee linkquality
unit_of_measurement: 'lqi'
state: >-
{% set values = namespace(numbers=[]) %}
{% for state in states.sensor | sort(attribute='entity_id') | selectattr('state', 'is_number') %}
{% if '_linkquality' in state.entity_id %}
{% set values.numbers = values.numbers + [state.state | int] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if values.numbers %}
{{ (values.numbers | sum / values.numbers | length) | round(2) }}
{% else %}
'No Data'
{% endif %}
The value I got is the mean of all devices from all coordinators.
I want to get a mean of devices in the coordinator level.
for example: