Is there any way to make cards take more than one column? [Solved]

Is there any way to make cards take more than one column? IE: How can I make a layout similar to the following crude example?

    [ 1 ] [    2    ] 
    [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
    [       6       ]

1 = Thermostat card
2 = Weather card taking up 2 columns
3, 4, & 5 = Entities cards for various rooms
6 = Media control card taking up 3 columns

  • I had to come back and edit this post because the forum stripped some spacing in my “sample” layout without my noticing at first (with the result coincidentally matching the best I have been able to do in Home-Assistant so far which is get item 2 to be a single column wide, leaving the space above item 5 completely blank).

yes its possible,

vertical stack the whole thing, with each stack item having a horizontal stack in it, with each horizontal stack item containing the items you want. That’s just a crude 20 second answer for ya

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easy said then done, pain in the ass in my expierence, only thing i hate about home-assistant

I now have an answer for my question… As of yesterday, Layout-Card by ThomasLoven supports this capability.

have you had any luck getting Layout-Card working??

I have this one setup & working perfectly for me…

type: 'custom:layout-card'
column_num: 2
max_columns: 2
  - 35%
  - 65%
layout: vertical
  - type: markdown
    title: TP-Link TL-WDR3600 Router
    content: ' '
  - type: 'custom:hui-divider-row'
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: glance
        title: Sent
        columns: 1
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_kbyte_sec_sent
            name: Kilobytes/second
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_bytes_sent
            name: Total Bytes
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_packets_sec_sent
            name: Packets/second
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_packets_sent
            name: Total Packets
      - type: glance
        columns: 1
        title: Received
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_kbyte_sec_received
            name: Kilobytes/second
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_bytes_received
            name: Total Bytes
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_packets_sec_received
            name: Packets/second
          - entity: sensor.wireless_router_tl_wdr3600_packets_received
            name: Total Packets
  - break
  - type: markdown
    title: Devices On The Network
    content: ' '
  - type: 'custom:hui-divider-row'
  - type: entity-filter
      type: glance
      show_state: false
      - home
      - entity: device_tracker.his_phone
      - entity: device_tracker.her_phone
      - entity: device_tracker.thermostat
      - entity: device_tracker.printer
      - entity: device_tracker.smartthings_hub
  - type: 'custom:hui-divider-row'
  - type: markdown
    title: Devices NOT On The Network!!!
    content: ' '
  - type: 'custom:hui-divider-row'
  - type: entity-filter
      - not_home
      show_state: false
      type: glance
      - entity: device_tracker.his_phone
      - entity: device_tracker.her_phone
      - entity: device_tracker.thermostat
      - entity: device_tracker.printer
      - entity: device_tracker.smartthings_hub
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