Is this a bug? or Is there a new way you need to filter helper groups?

Since Core version 2022.11.1 vs 2022.11.0 filtering Helper groups has changed E.g.

List all lights, with out ‘helper’ groups:
{{ states.light 
              | rejectattr ( 'attributes.entity_id' , 'defined' )
              | map ( attribute = 'entity_id' ) 
              | list 
{{ states.light 
              | rejectattr ('entity_id', 'in', integration_entities('group')) 
              | map ( attribute = 'entity_id' ) 
              | list 

would work now doesn’t but E.g.

{{ states.light
              | selectattr ( 'attributes.entity_id' , 'defined' )
              | expand 
              | map ( attribute = 'entity_id' ) 
              | list

Wouldn’t work but now does???
What is going on & what should we expect the way to do it in the future is?

  | selectattr ( 'attributes.entity_id' , 'defined' )

If you’re referring to Hue, look at the attributes list. Stupidly, tjere is not attribute entity_id anymore.

This has been fixed with Core version 2022.11.2