Is this screen compatible with home assistant

Hello Every body, is this screen is comptable with home assistant : Home Assistant OS 5.8 If is possible how to ? Thanks

What are you expecting to do on the screen? Is the Pi going to have HA on it?

Hello Thank for your reply, Yes HA is installed on the this Pi

Then no.
HA is not available like that.
You use a web browser on a different device to access HA.
You could possibly mount this screen on a second pi and use the browser to access the HA URL

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as i need to buy a case and it is really cheap…

is it compatible with hass os just to send commands and/or read the textual output?!


As answered previously.
You can’t have a screen on the pi that is running HA.
You could potentially have a different pi with this screen but then the price of the pi and screen is about what an android tablet is. :man_shrugging:

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i don’t want use a browser… only see the textual output of hass os…

It won’t be the logs that you want.

searching a bit… it’s better a screen with generic hdmi interface… the screen in this topic requires a driver, for sure not provided with HA OS…

Yes, but I have a feeling that you think the logs that are displayed on the screen will be useful, but they typically wont be. It’s not going to be any HA logs, it’ll be HassOS logs and they are mostly useless.

i think there’s a miss understanding… i don’t want to read HA logs. i’d like to read just boot output/progress or send commands in the console to not attach the raspberry to a regular monitor… i’m practiting so can happen to test commands from the console/terminal.

this screen was cheap, but when i need a more expensive hdmi monitor for raspberry or a portable monitor it’s clear it isn’t worth anymore…

Yes but you won’t be able to do any of that with the screen and HA which is what I’m trying to convey to you. Connecting a screen to HA is basically useless. If you have HA set up right now, you’d see that. You have no access to the OS when connecting a screen to HA installs. Everything is done through network connections.

are you talking about ssh, right?! have to study it yet, so i need a screen now :smile:

I still don’t think you understand… the screen will not provide what you are looking for. Period. You’ll be using another computer.

posting an image… here it is what i see on my screen… HA console or HA OS console that i can use to send commands

Yep, and that window will not appear.

solved studying ssh :rofl: