Is this some sort of weird april fools joke - crooked cards?

There has been to unauthorized access to your system.
You have chosen to install a piece of software (that has nothing to do with Home Assistant as it is a custom card). One of it’s undocumented features was that it added a random rotation to all cards on the first day of the fourth month. This feature was part of the software for about a year. There has been to remote access.

Banned from what? Again, Thomas hasn’t modified Home Assistant. He included this feature in his own work that you have installed alongside Home Assistant. You’d have to somehow prohibit people from installing his software. That’s nonsense.


I understand that your frustrated but if you keep up with these blatant violations of the code of conduct, action will be taken. Keep the personal insults out of the conversation. Find out a different way to vent your frustrations. Thanks.


So I call a bad actor a bad actor and you threaten to ban me but you’re going to just let this guy screw with people’s system without consequence.

The software was said to do function, the people that used the software authorized that the software to do that function and this guy used his privileged access to f with people for laughs.

Banned from contributing to HA.

You’re crossing the line with your posts. That’s it. Stop doing that and you’ll be fine. These 2 posts were A-Okay. And to clarify, I was not threatening you with a ban. It would be a simple warning that’s attached to your user.

You seem to not understand how this works. He didn’t build this into home assistant. He built it into something he made. People manually install this item into their home assistant. There’s no way to do this without manually moving files. I.e. drag and drop files, unzip, and configure. Even if he was banned, he would still be able to make these and people would still be able to install them. Banning him will literally do nothing.


Absolutely not. Other than hundreds of cumulative time lost by the non-expert users trying to figure out what happened to their systems, there was no real damage.
As far a banning the dev- no! Absolutely no. He recognizes the damage a harmless prank caused, he has apologized for it, and that is sufficient for me, an old curmudgeon to accept.

Going forward, I will trust anything Thomas shares in the future.

I am still annoyed by those experts who blame the victims.


The bright side: I had a chance to made a lot of clinnings in my code;)

That was a little bit controversial but still love thomasloven work:)

As a community we can think about revenge:)

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I find it quite sad that the Dev is getting so much abuse in this topic, please lock or close it.

On another note, people REALLY need to understand how open source works…
People literally have HUNDREDS of open source packages installed and the owners can do whatever they like (pro’s and cons of open source!)

If your so picky on what code your running on your own hardware, check the release notes… and… if your that bothered… check the code… Still bothered? Remove the open source code.

I’m actually really happy the dev did this, and found an ACTUAL issue that he can work with going forward…
Do people complain and want the Dev removing if they ever put a code live with a single error? No.


Again with blaming the victim.


“What I absolutely did not anticipate:
Common browser behavior means applying a transform to an element makes it throw the render stacking rules to the wind, making context and dropdown menus unusable.”

It wasn’t just crookedness, it was broken features.

yes you did when you installed open source and accepted the license.


good username, very fitting.

Get a grip.

I’m very cautiously posting this, but in case nobody has ever seen this: askew - Google Search. Have a chuckle.


There are obviously some real bad actors at goolge, intent on sabotaging our browsers and interrupting genuine uses from goofing off on the innernet web thingy.

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The askew page has been on Google for years.

Shows how long google has been screwing with us :slight_smile:

do a barrel roll

I just have to say it is NOT far more difficult to control things from JS, the hass object has all the methods needed to call any service so turning on lights or heaters etc can very easily be done through any JS module/card added to home assistant. Just something for you to think about…