Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I am not sure about WIFI password issue, its an Android firmware and nothing is changed as far as the Android standard features are concerned.
For the screen sleep, use the camera shutter button to wake up the screen.

Wake up screen works by this button. But wifi pass is still.
Tell me i can flash it by other android ex from first post ?

I try flash soft from first ppost by QFIL software but i can notā€¦I get Download Fail:FireHose Fail:FHLoader Fail:Process fail.

@pepeEL I clearly mentioned the rom name that I used in the instructions, you were doing this at your own risk. Now, I can give you some instructions again for the first ROM (post 1) but I NEVER tried.

You need to download the file from the first post, extract it.

This is the ROM folder from the First POST.
Then go to the extracted folder, copy the following files from the (bin) folder to the (flash) folder.

Follow the same steps for Qfil (do it at your own RISK), Select the files from the extracted folder (FLASH) sub folder which you should have copied those files to.
The first file is the program file ( prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn)
The second file (rawprogram.xml)
Then (patch0.xml)
(after this plug USB port to the device, hold +/- button, switch on the device power while the power cable is connected, then wait for the PORT to show in the Qfil and hit download. Wait till it finishes. Switch off the device power, disconnect USB. Hold volume up (+) then switch on device power, boot into recovery and do factory reset. Then reboot. Connect USB cable to your device and open Command Prompt with Admin rights, (assuming you have Android ADB drivers installed) you should following notes.

Additional step from first post is below:

  1. Once you can see the Lock Screen, Finish up user provisioning:
adb shell settings put secure user_setup_complete 1
adb shell settings put global device_provisioned 1

That is all what I can think of, again you are doing it at your own RISK. Goodluck

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@pepeEL I am not sure about the need for the (additional steps) I believe it is for people who need to use the Enterprise Microsoft Teams to work. You may try to complete the setup without it and can do it later if there is anything not working for you.

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I try and i get error:

I get Download Fail:FireHose Fail:FHLoader Fail:Process fail.

Is the PORT is active in Qfil? Send a screen shot of the Qfil with the error
Also, open device manager after you connect the device when you boot in EDL modee/bootloader mode and take a screenshot.

Also tell me where you download this software android which send me i prevoius post ?

You mean the combined_kingston_a11_gogapps rom?

If you can restart Android normally there will be some updates in the future hopefully. If you bricked your device or need additional support you can check the XDA forum

OR join the Discord channel and ask for help

Hi. I flashed this software but i have a problemā€¦ I can not connect to my home wifi on Ubiquiti. When i use original Lenovo FW i connect no problem. On you software also can connect to my hotspot on smartphone. But on Ubiquiti can not connect. I type password and nothing happend. Is any chance for help ?

@pepeEL You keep posting what is essentially the same thing over and over: you canā€™t connect to wifiā€¦

Have you proven your theory that itā€™s the wifi password with an ā€œ@ā€œ symbol causing issues? You said you can connect to your hotspot - what happens if you change the password for it to something with ā€œ@ā€œ? What about other special characters.

Do you lose the ability to connect to it from the Lenovo? I realize that may not solve your problem but it might get you closer. Also by putting in a little effort into some trial and error - you have the opportunity not just to help yourself but help others that may end up in a similar situation.

Not all of us have the skills or ability to make huge contributions but itā€™s scenarios like this that allow us to give back to this awesome community.


Can you try changing the password of the hotspot on smartphone to the same password you say isnā€™t working for your Ubiquiti WIFI? Change the password for the mobile hotspot with the same password used in Ubiquiti wifi then try to connect your Device (Lenovo) to the mobile hotspot with the changed password.

I actually ran into a similar issue on my Wi-Fi, it would not connect to my main wifi SSID, but it would connect fine to my guest and IoT networks, which use the same password (my security is top notch).

I think the issue might have been because my main wifi SSID is triband wifi 6 (ax), but both the other networks are 2.4ghz or 5ghz bands only. I seemed to be the only one with the issue so it never made it onto the bugs list, but you might be having the same issue.

Is your ubiquiti wifi tri-band wifi 6 also?

Edit: figured out why, my main SSID uses WPA3, which for some reason wonā€™t work with this ROM, changed it to WPA2 and it connected fine.

Yes my ubiquiti is wi-fi 6 buid on model U6 Pro but if i know it Has only two banda 2,4 and 5Ghz. But why Lenovo connect correct to this ssid when use Lenovo firmware with Trans?

Ok i found problemā€¦ My Wifi has setup on Ubiquiti Security Protocol as: WPA2/WPA3. When change to WPA2 Lenovo connect correct to this network.
It is first device which has problem. I have also old tablet Samsung with Android 6 and it also connect with no problem to Ubiquiti. Only now Lenovo with this Andoid 11 has problemā€¦ Maybe is any solution for this problem ?

Also good will be if can implement wake up screen by touch screen.

Next problem is that tablet no connect with hidden wifi. WHen connect create no hidden and connect, then hidden ssid and tablet no connectā€¦

I was able to get this image applied with no issue. I have installed homeassistant, Hotword plugin, automate and now have a fully functional voise assiststant with wake word capability. Thanks for all of the work! Has anyone installed a different navigation bar? One issue I have is, I canā€™t switch between running programs? the right side button on the nav bar doesnā€™t appear to do anything.

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As per other notes from XDA and HA community, people used these apps for navigation control.

I had the same issue. Based on posts in this thread, I went through the user-provisioning steps again and it works for me now. I know for a fact I did it previously, but I must have done it at the wrong step maybe?

On which version? Android 8 or Android 11?

I also on android 11ā€¦
i have now 3 bugs:

  • no connect to wifi with WPA2/WPA3
  • no connect to wifi hidden
  • and right button no open task manager to close open app

For point No. 3 check this post Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA? - #502 by yabdali

For WIFI issue, try to connect to the WIFI which has WPA2/WPA3
connect USB cable to your android device
run adb logcat > mywifilog.txt
Then share the outputā€¦ You may want to upload it somewhere like Google Drive and share the link so people here can check the problem.