Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I’m just spitt-balling here… Is there a way to override the value of the ScreenOn entity through a timed automation? i.e. Create an automation to watch the ScreenOn entity if it changes from Off to On, create a timer to change it to off after xxx minutes. That way on the next motion FKB won’t stop on that value hurdle…It’s a little clunky but in theory it ‘should’ work.

Iirc people used a similar solution for sleeping thier t6e in wall tablets.

I belive it was done using the adb integration.

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Hi Mark,
In the same boat here, deadman 8.1 ROM work great with Wall Panel (and the Rhasspy Android App) but the screen issue is bothersome, I’m trying to cobble something together with this:
with a flow that calls this:
after a period of time to turn off the screen.
I’ve also created a “flow” that sends the “power on” key to turn on the backlight, and set screen brightness.
It works, 99 percent of the time, but I still have weird behavior on screen brightness after waking up (it seems to “auto-dim” and I can’t turn that off, and I really want the proximity sensor to trigger the “power on” key, but haven’t figured that out.
btw, mattmon, deadman & felix, thank you very much for everything!!!

Finally got a couple of these devices. What is the recommended process here? Doing the android install from the first post or trying to get the postmarketOS working? Also, is there a definitive how-to for postmarketOS installation for this device? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for sharing. This is interesting. I’m not very familiar with Automagic but I did grab a copy and install in on my ThinkSmart. Any chance you could share your flows? I’m having trouble grasping how to build one. Thanks!

Sure! Here’s the one that triggers the backlight off:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<data version="1.37.0">
  <trigger type="periodic_timer">
    <name>Periodic Timer: every 5m (Don't wake device)</name>
  <action type="start_activity">
    <name>Start Activity: com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.RunShortcutActivity.ACTION_ENABLE android.intent.category.LAUNCHER com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.xda/com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.RunShortcutActivity </name>
  <flow type="flow">
    <triggercontainer id="t1" x="70.0" y="-17.5">
      <trigger>Periodic Timer: every 1m (Don't wake device)</trigger>
    <actioncontainer id="t2" x="70.0" y="507.5">Start Activity: com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.RunShortcutActivity.ACTION_ENABLE android.intent.category.LAUNCHER com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.xda/com.cygery.screenbacklightoff.RunShortcutActivity </actioncontainer>
    <notecontainer id="t3" x="525.0" y="3062.5" w="140.0" h="105.0"></notecontainer>
    <notecontainer id="t4" x="175.0" y="2537.5" w="140.0" h="105.0"></notecontainer>
    <notecontainer id="t5" x="1400.0" y="3937.5" w="140.0" h="105.0"></notecontainer>
    <connection from="t1" to="t2" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />
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And here’s the one that turns the backlight back on and attempts to set brightness:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<data version="1.37.0">
  <trigger type="key_event">
    <name>Hardware Key Event: SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_UP,VOLUME_UP Up</name>
  <action type="execute_root_command">
    <name>Execute Root Command: input keyevent 26 in </name>
    <command>input keyevent 26</command>
  <action type="set_screen_brightness">
    <name>Set Screen Brightness: 240</name>
  <flow type="flow">
    <triggercontainer id="t1" x="70.0" y="52.5">
      <trigger>Hardware Key Event: SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_UP,VOLUME_UP Up</trigger>
    <actioncontainer id="t2" x="35.0" y="367.5">Execute Root Command: input keyevent 26 in </actioncontainer>
    <actioncontainer id="t3" x="35.000008" y="612.5">Set Screen Brightness: 240</actioncontainer>
    <connection from="t1" to="t2" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />
    <connection from="t2" to="t3" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />
</data>type or paste code here
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Are these screens prone to burn-in? If I leave the HA view on permanently, will I run into trouble?

V1 of my dashboard. Love it! Lots of edits to come though as we live with it and want extra features.


The rom in OP is still the recommended software.

If you have strong technical/troubleshooting skills and a need that kingston-ha-rom does not fulfill, then checkout the GSI or PMOS.

I’m expecting/hoping that PMOS will eventually become the recommended solution. Thankful for all the work @FelixKa has done in that effort.

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I’m looking to do something similar to what you are doing with yours; my question is, does it dim down at night or turn off?

I only want the display on during daytime hours; basically, I’m looking for a fancy info board of weather, temperature, and Waze drive times to work.

The other option is that I was thinking of grabbing a Gen1 7" Nexus Hub and just casting my dashboard to it, but they are $50, so if I can save $10 and get the same or more features, I would rather go this route.

I’ve flash countless ROM’s on android phones & tablets so that won’t be a big deal for me.

Still figuring that out - there have been various posts about screen turning on/off. I’m running the HA app and fully kiosk single app so need to play a bit more. I know several people are having issues.

Ideally I’d like to remotely turn it on/off via a presence sensor.

I’m using the android 11 ROM posted in this thread with HA, Fully Kiosk and the proximity sensor configuration from Blakadder. You can set the screen shut off time and it simply turns on when approaching it.


With that ROM - do you get the flickering as the device turns back on and fades up to full brightness?

I’ve seen the other posts on that ROM - any downsides?

The “flickering” I believe is just HA refreshing the screen. I say this because I noticed when modifying the dashboard, then accessing an idle device, it comes up with the old dashboard for about 1 second and refreshes to display the changes. It also comes out of sleep in vertical display and switches almost immediately.

So is there anything missing from the ROM you’re running?
I might try that tomorrow on my other device.

These are my notes from the build:

Flash with current firmware using Qfil
Put Thinkview into developer mode
• Configure WiFi
• Screen lock = none
• Configure device name

Install Homeassistant
Install Automagic using ADB (for proximity)
Install Automate from playstore (for Hotword flow)
Install HotWord Plugin from playstore
Install Full Kiosk Browser from playstore
• Set fully kiosk start page to http://XXXXXXXXXX/lovelave-mobile2/0
• Use the dashboard account for access
• Set Fully Kiosk power setting to not keep screen alive
Configure proximity sensor: Use Proximity Sensor to Wake Screen on NSPanel Pro and Tuya Smart Home Panels | Blakadder's Smarthome Shenanigans
Configure Hotword plugin
Configure Automate routine for Hotword


My Hotword routine is posted here: Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA? - #555 by G3tiTD0n3

Thanks for that. I’ll go over it tomorrow.

I think my ideal setup is to have HA turn the screen on via one of my mmWave presence sensors which also does auto lighting. Do you think that’s possible at the moment?

Yes. One way it can be done is with paid apps such as Tasker and the mqtt plugin. I’m doing it this way for other wall tablets (not this one yet), and it works very reliably.

The downside to this method is that it’s pretty heavy and assumes you have an mqtt server already running. It’s likely tasker’s home assistant plugin can do exactly the same thing if you don’t want to run mqtt, but I haven’t tried it firsthand yet.