Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Again thank you guys for the help. Things are more or less working
I am also having the sleep issue. Was wondering if anyone has been able to do anything where the screen turns on or off based on the camera sensor? Tbh haven’t even tested the camera if it stk works or not but thought it might be cool. Also anyone tried browser mod on this?

Lastly a dumb question, but if I go into android settings is there a gesture or combination of physical buttons I can press to go back to the home screen? Tbh I’ve just been rebooting which isn’t my favorite lol

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.HOME will take you back to the home screen.

You will need to install something like virtual soft keys for navigation buttons.

There’s been a fair bit of talk in this topic about camera. Suggest a search of this topic.
Personally, I don’t do that as I use a room presence sensor to turn the screens off/on based on occupancy. For me, if you develop a screen that shows truly useful information, I want it on whenever someone is in the room without having to go and get close or tap it to wake etc.

Agree. Windows was so temperamental. As mentioned previously, I had a working system for one or two sessions and then it just stopped working (Sahara errors) with nothing obvious done to the PC in the meantime (this is an older PC that I reinstalled exactly for this purpose and hadn’t touched for anything else.) so that was frustrating. Back to trusty Debian :grin:

Are you on A8 or A11?

A8, the funny thing is that if I stay on the default loading dashboard in HA companion, it goes to sleep. If I select another dashboard, it doesn’t, if I then go back (via virtual keys back button), it goes to sleep again.
I also have it wake up automatically via proximity

What do you actually want to achieve? What’s the detailed scenario?

I was just replying to a question, I don’t have any issues :blush:

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Proximity sensor or camera motion? I don’t believe this has a proximity sensor, does it?

Search in this thread is your friend :wink:

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Is there a way to toggle this state from a card on a dashboard?


I can set state in developer tools, and it shows it changes, but it does not change on the device. I am just trying to understand if this is a tablet issue, or a me issue.


Changing state in developer tools has no impact on the physical device. You are simply overriding the state value in Home Assistant. You could probably toggle the actual state in something like Tasker.

Thank you, this worked via adb. Im curious, is everyone here leaving this connected to their machine via USB to run adb commands? I wonder if the virtual keyboard can be mapped to it somehow (wireless adb maybe?). I guess on a similar note would love a way (physical buttons ideally) to turn the screen off or change the brightness

Use case - Im toying with the idea of leaving this next to me on the couch for total vegetation mode lol. Its quite bright and since the screen doesnt auto turn off a manual control for the screen may be helpful. I am still getting caught up with all 972 msgs so my apologies if this was discussed previously.

No I don’t see why you’d leave it connected permanently.

I run Fully Kiosk Browser on mine and the HA FK integration allows you to set the screen brightness and turn the screen off. On doesn’t work but setting the brightness turns it back on. I have all mine controlled that way via a room presence sensor. Works really well.

There is an example of using the proximity sensor and AutoMagic earlier in this thread.

Longer term stability

I noticed one of my devices had become unresponsive to taps after about a week or more since reloading the dashboard it sits on. This is running fully kiosk browser. I know someone else mentioned (Wi-Fi?) issues after 6-7 days I seem to remember.

Anyone else had longer term issues on 8.1?

I guess I could implement a browser restart nightly unless it’s something in the OS, in which case a smart plug would also work. That might actually save a teeny bit of power if the house devices are shut off at night anyway.

Might have been me. I was having some trouble with it dropping off of my 5GHz WiFi, so I moved it to my 2.4GHz WiFi network, and it’s been running fine since; it hasn’t dropped off the network at all.

I can’t say I did any troubleshooting, though. But I’ve had other devices that seem to just work better with 2.4GHz, so figured I do the same with the tablet.

Ok thanks. I have one device in the kitchen that’s giving me weird problems with light levels not sowing correctly and my washer dryer not updating. Restarted HA and that fixed it so not convinced it’s the device and maybe something with one of the recent HA updates. Haven’t looked too far into it yet.

On postmarketOS with the ath10k driver I enabled for this WiFi module I can see that for some unknown reason re-keying doesn’t work (I suspect a firmware issue).
So it drops off of WiFi every hour in my case (my APs group re-keying interval is set to 1 hr). But it usually re-connects fine.
It’s possible that is happening with the vendor driver on Android as well.


Has anyone experienced the issue of the volume suddenly jumping to maximum? This problem seems to occur quite frequently, especially when using Assist. Typically, Assist responds 2-3-4 times with the volume set, but at some point, the volume suddenly jumps to maximum in answer from Assist.