Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Not seen that at all on my devices (x5) but I’m not using assist. Are you actually on the 8.1 ROM or A11? I thought you had to use A11 for assist as the audio isn’t quite working right on A8.1?

I do set the volume on devices before any TTS messages though as you can’t guarantee what they’ve been set to. I have several TTS announcements like someone spotted at the door, letterbox, parcel box used etc. I set the volume each time on the media player group of all my ThinkSmart Views. Doesn’t slow it down at all either.

I’m using version A8.1, and I think there might indeed be limitations with this version. Right now, I’m trying to install A11. Let’s see what happens next :wink:
Thank you!

Update: A11 installed successfully. Remote power on and off of the display are now working. The issue with random volume increases has disappeared, but a new one has emerged — low frequencies are missing when playing music.

I gave up installing A11 on my test device. Got stuck and it just won’t boot. I have installed various options on that machine so there’s most likely something left over that the A11 install doesn’t like.

I used the Lenovo Recovery tool to fully restore mine before re-installing A11 - that sorted it.

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Yeah I’ve done that and no joy :frowning:
Will try again at some point.

A11 question - I know this is the 8.1 discussion but wonder if anyone can help as the most knowledgable people are on here.

The post I’m replying to re the A11 install was from February - is there a later version of the A11 ROM anywhere? I believe it was shared via Discord, so difficult to track.

On my test device, I’m still trying to install A11 and have got nowhere at all. I flashed the Teams v109 stock ROM and that was working fine on the original software.

Flashing the A11 with Google Go apps as in this post flashes fine (it’s a very quick flash though compared to 8.1) but always locks up on the Lenovo logo (no animated logo seen) after a factory reset

I’m wondering if there are incompatibilities with the other .img files from the 109 build - the ones that are missing and don’t get installed?

Same problem. Flashing the original rom succeeds but flashing HA rom fails with ERROR: Bad magic: 0 probably not processing a sparse image. I am not sure its a windows driver issue if the original ROM flashes with no problem. I will try from linux this weekend.

There are differen’t versions/naming of the .XML files that might be causing confusion? Did you definitely use this:

./edl qfil bin/rawprogram.xml bin/patch0.xml flash/ --loader=bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn

It’s the first file that varies ‘rawprogram.xml’ versus ‘rawprogram0.xml’ and ‘rawprogram_unsparse.xml’ are some of the variants I’ve seen across 8.1, 11 and stock images.

Thanks for the Mac write-up, much appreciated! I think I am really close to doing the first flash but I am getting the following command line errors (on MacOS - M1 Macbook Pro):

root@Tys-MacBook-Pro ~ # /users/typaff/edl/edl qfil /users/typaff/edl/bin/rawprogram.xml /users/typaff/edl/bin/patch0.xml flash/ --loader=/user/typaff/edl/bin/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn
Capstone library is missing (optional).
Keystone library is missing (optional).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/typaff/edl/edlclient/Library/Connection/", line 29, in <module>
    from edlclient.Library.Connection.devicehandler import DeviceClass
  File "/Users/typaff/edl/edlclient/Library/Connection/", line 8, in <module>
    import serial
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'serial'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/typaff/edl/edl", line 139, in <module>
    from edlclient.Library.Connection.usblib import usb_class
  File "/Users/typaff/edl/edlclient/Library/Connection/", line 31, in <module>
    from Library.Connection.devicehandler import DeviceClass
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Library'

Any ideas or advise on how to proceed from here? I think my libraries may be set up or installed wrong but stumped.

Looks like you’re doing this on your Mac? I don’t have experience of that and the errors don’t look familiar. You’re best posting this on the thread I posted at the top of my post. Hopefully you’ll get some help there. I do know though that flashing from a Linux install (Debian on Pi4) is WAY more stable and reliable. I used Windows methods on a couple of PC’s and it only worked once. Very frustrating.

Edited for clarity, thanks @pgale. I can fall back on Linux but would have to install, hoping with MacOS Unix architecture and Homebrew it won’t be that bad… once I figure out this probably one step I’m missing.

Not a mac guy, but I would use pip3 to install capstone, keystone, pyserial, and library.

Getting the environment setup and working is definitely the most challenging bit I think.

@pgale - Have you tried wiping the cache partition? A11 occasionally behaves like this for me too, sticking on the Lenovo logo during regular boot up. A cache wipe resolves this each time.

That is still the latest A11 rom, the dev working on it stepped away for the moment.

If you flashed the A11 ROM it resized your partitions, so that’s likely why you’re having trouble flashing other things on top of it. I would use the lenovo rescue tool to return everything to stock.

The A11 ROM solves some problems but introduced others, it’s definitely not a stable build. It’s a 50\50 chance that the OS fails to load when I reboot mine, something to do with a kennel panic from the wifi driver maybe.

I see in the discord channel that people are getting more stability out of an A10 GSI rom, so I’m thinking I may switch one of mine to that to see if things improve.

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Well I am further along and have all the libraries loaded, but running into an apparent Mac issue. Anyone using Mac M1 architecture encounter this and fix capstone?

OSError: dlopen(/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/capstone/lib/libcapstone.dylib, 0x0006): tried: '/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/capstone/lib/libcapstone.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e' or 'arm64')), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/capstone/lib/libcapstone.dylib' (no such file), '/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/capstone/lib/libcapstone.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e' or 'arm64'))

I have uninstalled Python and installed Conda with explicit install code for Arm64 along with all dependent libraries and thought this would fix it. Maybe something in Xcode?

Maybe something like this with the cache?

Ha! been on that page for an hour, tried to purge cache (after every step), and lower down on this page is where I came up with the idea to move to Conda Python to help define Arm64 on download. Really thought that would work…


Use the xml file that was included with whatever rom you’re trying to flash.

Irrelevant in the case of a GSI image because you flash with fastboot, not edl.

It’s just a list of images and thier corresponding partitions. The unsparse versions include offsets for the chunked images.

Edit: 1001th post :partying_face: