Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Hi all been using the unit for a week now and so far pretty great. 2 questions

  1. Is there a mechanism to get google voice (hey google) to work on this? I got the google app so I have the ‘app’ for voice search but trying to make it work with voice only similar to a normal smart display. Wasnt sure, since microg is on here, if I could get that going to have my voice commands via google still work (maybe one day move to HA voice commands when its further along)

  2. Every so often I notice in the HA app, everything is sorta flashing or blinking in the app. A restart fixes this but literally the whole screen of the app is flashing weirdly. Anyone else come across this? Thanks!

Had a chance to do some further testing. Disabling the following packages:

pm list packages -d

doesn’t seem to break the Fully Kiosk Camera Motion Detection to wake the screen.
As I reported earlier, disabling this package:

DOES BREAK the Fully Kiosk Camera Motion Detection to wake the screen.
Oddly enough, even with disabled, I’m still seeing the log flooded with the Access denied finding property …camera, which makes me think that this might be related to the Fully Kiosk app.

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Re the flashing - not seen that. Maybe something to do with your particular dashboard? Any Lovelace additions or something out of the ordinary?

Sorry for flooding the thread, but hoping that some with more horsepower than myself can provide some insight. Disabling de.ozerov.fully stops the log from being flooded with the Access denied messages. So, not sure if these “properties” aren’t installed because of the limitation of ROM, and if there is a way to get these little devils in there whether Fully Kiosk would work without the Teams/Skype app, and be consistent with turning it on/off. So a big maybe…

I am very interested in this smart display, but it is hard to get for a reasonable price here. I could get it for around 115$ online, but this is more than triple the price you guys paid for it. Is it still worth buying or is there a better alternative for the price?

Hi Solo_Cola, I’d say, at this point, your mileage may vary. The promise of this device is enormous, at least for me. I’ve wanted to be able to put a device in locations throughout my house to control “smart home” stuff, and to do some other things (intercom, streaming music, video display for doorbell, etc.). I’ve seen folks set this up with repurposed tablets, and use a variety of means to get it to work (battery monitoring, smart plugs that turn of the external power supply, etc.) and the idea of having a device like the Thinkview Smart which is meant to be externally powered 24/7, with a great form factor really hit the button for me. However, in my opinion, right now, there’s still some kinks that need to be worked out. I’ve been able to get a Home Assistant dashboard to work relatively well via an app called Fully Kiosk, but when I introduce other apps, the screen power on/off fails. I also have intermittent wifi issues. Other folks seem to have audio issues (I haven’t experienced this). These just could be my use cases, but that being said, at the price I paid, I’m happy even if I can’t get everything I want to work. If I were paying your price, I might hang around a bit and see if some of these issues get resolved. Felix is doing amazing stuff on a PMOS version, and I’m hopeful that someone (perhaps the individual who started this over in XDA) who knows a lot more about Android than me might be able to patch the ROM.
Hope this helps,

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Oh wow, are you outside of the US I assume? I got on Amazon for $39. I would check ebay, not sure if any better but worth a look

Thanks for the reply. I have mostly mushroom cards but also do have some webrtc cameras which are embedded (going thru wyze docker) which may be related if I had to point to the most likely culprit. I wasnt thinking it was because of a HA dashboard component but if thats what youre thinking, that is the one Id guess as most finicky. Ive found anything with camera feeds in HA is never 100% in my experience

I have a single camera feed being displayed on my dashboard 24/7 and a second instance of the same feed as a popup using bubble card popup functionality. This works using the picture glance card as some of the other cards were very resource intensive it seemed. I spent a long time trying to get audio working which I never did succeed in but other than that it works ok. If you have many camera feeds, I’m wondering if that’s the issue. Have you tried temporarily removing all cameras and seeing if it causes the issue?

I’m in the UK and when I bought my five devices, they were only available on ebay UK for in excess of £100 each. I bought from Amazon US for $40 each and shipped via a freight forwarder in three batches to ensure no duty was payable. Shipping cost was just over $40 for a single device and $65 for two. I wasn’t charged any duty or VAT (tax) via UPS and FedEx that I used.

So a fair bit cheaper but with the freight forwarder, it took just under two weeks.

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After flashing the device successfully (edl output) and wiping/factory reset, the device hangs on bootscreen. It gets listed on fastboot devices and i did wipe the userpartition. Unfortunately didnt help, any ideas guys ?

Was doing some poking around this morning, seeing if maybe there was a new release of Fully Kiosk, an found this two items in their FAQs:

Some Lenovo devices with Android 8.1 like Lenovo ThinkSmart View (CD-18781Y) can’t detect the screen on/off state properly (reporting ON while the screen is OFF). This can unpredictably affect many features in Fully Kiosk.

When the screen is off Android Webview will always stop all scripting and networking after a short time. We can’t change this by any option unfortunately. Your website must be able to recognize this situation and recover gracefully when the scripting is running again.

So maybe this is potentially the cause of some of the issues that at least I’m seeing.

Again, sorry for posting what might be to some extraneous material. I found this thread:
and I installed the App, after turning off motion detection in Fully Kiosk. Turns out, works, and the really good bit of news is that the Teams app can be disabled. I’m going to see how it interacts with Wall Panel, and the HA App (after uninstalling the Fully Kiosk app) and will report back, as well as if the screen on/off starts to show inconsistency over time.


I’m using 8.1 and Fully Kiosk Browser. TTS works well but for some reason when the message is >60 characters it plays at MAX volume every time. Weird.

Can anyone using 8.1 try a long (>60 chars) TTS and let me know if you experience the same?


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Thanks for trying this out and reporting back. I’m on 8.1 and using the HA app and my biggest issue is that the screen won’t turn off most of the time. Hoping there’s a way to get it to behave.

A11 isn’t working great for me either. They did say it wasn’t quite ready though. I may switch to the stable version too. Mine starts (most of the time) but feels clunky and slow. Hopefully these great developers will get it figured out.

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How are you turning or trying to turn the screen off?

I have seen odd issues with max volume too. Didn’t think it was anything to do with length of the audio clip though - I’ll test that later. Most of the time I have a predefined message that plays and that’s through the nabu casa service and the messages cached. Not sure it that has any bearing as at the end of the day, these are all audio files.

When I saw this, I’m pretty sure from memory that I had the volume mixer up showing the three sliders. The clip would play full volume despite all three sliders being at around 35%. Odd.

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By using the screen timeout in A8.1. The built in feature under display settings. The I wake it via the HA app.

Ok you’re doing it locally then.

I use the Fully Kiosk controls to turn the displays off from HA. I have a PIR/mmWave presence sensor in each room and that controls the screens. I wanted the screens to be on when the room is occupied and HA gives much more control of course.

When someone enters the room, HA turns on the screens by setting the dim level to 255 which was the only way I found to turn them on again. The screen switch doesn’t do this. Works fabulously.

I haven’t put one in the bedroom yet but will probably do the same with some extra brightness control via a lux sensor in the presence sensor.

Of course that doesn’t work for close proximity control though.