Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Interesting idea.

Iā€™m on the original ROM and I do have nav bar app installed. Is there a rom for the lineage 15.1?

Follow my guide.

I found it and read through it and your githubs and the other options. Awesome thank you! Installing now.

One thing I did notice in the write up on github is the lineage link in the writeup for linux reference the hyperlink to the recovery. I found the correct link at the bottom and it appears to be working fine. Itā€™s line 6 in the linux instructions.

Will udpate when done but thank you!

No problem.

Someone else did the Linux instructions - Iā€™ll have a look and correct.

Hi Im using wallpanel apk as a browser and using built-in camera detection to wake up display. After some thinkering with sensitivity i admit that the solution work almost flawlessly. The only problem is with very low light at night. Iā€™ve remapped the mic mute button as a wake up screen. Inelegant but it works and the display is completely off when not usedā€¦

is there an example of how to setup automate?

Can you elaborate on the tinkering with sensitivity part?

He did a write up over at Setting up a 100% local smart speaker on an Android tablet using Tasker and Snowboy to handle wake word detection

A newer option is View-Assist with RtpMic, I havenā€™t tried that one yet.

I have and its solid.
Caveat though - its streaming the mic ALL the time.
It would be nice to have local wake word detection (I seem to remember local wake word detection could be done on a Pi Zero W2 - so hoping this is capable enough).

Itā€™ll be too busy running android :wink:

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Iā€™ve been running rtpmic with some of the View Assist screens (dashboards) for a while, helping test them and generally contributing where I can. It does work well and although rtpmic is constantly streaming, it doesnā€™t seem to negatively affect the device at all.

There is no local wakeword detection built into the home assistant app yet, youā€™ll have to run some other wakeword app that can handle it locally, the only one Iā€™ve found for this so far is ā€œhotword pluginā€.

If you find another android app that can do it using tflite models please let me know though!

In Wallpanel, BTW Iā€™m referring to this APP

Hereā€™s a link to the doc : Getting Started | WallPanel

Thereā€™s a Camera Settings in the menu, once activated the motion detection I had to lower the Maximum Leniency to 20 ant the Minimum Luma to 200.

The thresholds I set are non-scientific, just tried some random values until I found something that works in my location on almost all light conditions.

I would have preferred that the TSV could be unsleeped at night with a double tap on the LCD but Iā€™ll have to cope, Iā€™m not using the TSV to turn on the lights so itā€™s not a serious problem for me.

You can enable the volume buttons to wake the screen in system settings. A little easier to press one of those buttons than use the mic mute or stiff camera privacy slider.

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Yes i tough about that but Iā€™ve chosen the mic switch because I wanted to leave the volume buttons as they are in case in the future Iā€™ll need to play some media on the TSV.
In any case thanks for the suggestion!

I used this tutorial on a Pi zero W and it was solid.

Iā€™m hugely dunning-Kruger-ing myself here, but if it can run on a pi zero w then surely this Lenovo has the chops? @synesthesiam (sorry to cold summon you, think of it more like a ā€œhey buddy, any thought on this?ā€). Please donā€™t let your creativeness be impeded by my poorly thought out technical waffling - butā€¦.

Automate seems like a good option, I wonder if the delay would be too slow?
Something like
Automate hears wake word, which enables the micRTP stream. Then it would need some kind of trigger to disable the stream again after.
The micRTP app could always be running, it would just need pausing somehow so could rapidly resume state on a wake word?

Any other android apps that could use the mic for wake word detection and trigger the stream to HA to use the awesome Wyoming pipeline (is flattery working :stuck_out_tongue: )?
It makes sense to use Stream Assist for the audio pipeline server side.

So far LOVE these devices - I have 5 now and a bunch of friends bought some too.

Edit: picovoice

Regarding audio streaming for these devices - does any of the panel apps? Fully kiosk or wall panel, have any interest in using its mic capability and adding a wake word plugin?

Would be kind cool if the kiosk/panel app provides a streaming source as well as a speaker source to start. And then added wake word detection to kick off the audio streaming and pause it when the session finishes?

Edit: thereā€™s a guide here:

Iā€™ll have a look and see if I could fork the code, and try with this or RTPmic - but I fear I am WAYYYYY out of my depth

Is there a way to do that on the Android 11 ROM?

Itā€™s a system option so maybe but I donā€™t have A11 any more.