Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I thought i did yeah but it was a red herring.

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Good tip - Iā€™ll find the link and add it to the guide.

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Thanks for this write up! I picked up one of these tablets for $20 off eBay and just got it flashed and up and running HA via Fully Kiosk (I LOVE IT, shopping for more for additional rooms nowā€¦). I was wondering if someone would be able to help me sort a few settings im trying to get in placeā€¦

I want it to turn the display off when there is no light (overnight) but still wake up if someone taps it when there is no light. Iā€™d also like it to turn off if no motion is detected but then come back on when someone walks up to it. Iā€™ve got it to turn off in the dark butā€¦it doesnt react to any taps and so i have to turn the lights on to get to interact with itā€¦help!

AFAIK the touch thing on the lcd is disabled/unavailable at firmware level so no luck on that. Im in the same boat but at least for mybuse case, is a minor issue

Yeah, unfortunately tap to wake doesnā€™t work.

You can use the buttons to wake (in the added buttons settings) or set the volume buttons to wake the screen (long press to wake with no change to volume).

Fully Kiosk has motion detection but Iā€™ve not really used it. If you want to use Fully, that would be worth a play.

The way I control all my devices (not in a bedroom though) is via a mmWave presence sensor which also controls lighting. So thatā€™s an obvious way for me to do it. I use the exposed screen on/off control via Fully. My reasoning is that I want the devices always on when someone is in the room as they display the most important data for us in our house. So we can glance at it from a distance without having to wave at it or touch the screen etc. if youā€™ve not seen, I wrote it up here:

Of course, a bedroom or bedside table setup is different. Iā€™ve developed a dashboard and even implemented an alarm clock system for the TSV. I wanted it always on but find the backlight is still a touch too bright in the darkest of night. Iā€™ve played with several methods to dim the screen and found an app that overlays a dark screen to make it super-dim. Backlight canā€™t be dimmed any further though. So Iā€™m still experimenting and thinking on this. I will probably end up turning the screen off but then run into the issue you have with not being able to tap to wake. I can do that via pressing the volume buttons but itā€™s a little awkward, particularly as I run my units in portrait orientation and pressing the volume button needs the device steadying to prevent it falling over.

Still working on that.

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BTW, you installed Lineage or Mattmonā€™s 8.1?

Lineage, followed the steps up in post #1.

Gotcha, thank you! I have skimmed through several posts (yours included) but my smarthome setup is still rather basic (no presence sensorsā€¦). Sounds like i may have to pick a few up. My main use for these is going to be around various high traffic areas, mainly for home theatre control where I suppose i could use a sensor to control on/off based on occupancy and then the light sensor in it to dim when the lights go down for moviesā€¦

Velis Auto Brightness is an interesting brightness app (with the super dark option) - I think it fights a bit with Fully Kiosk though and gives unpredictable results at times.

BTW - if you followed the steps in post #1 you wonā€™t have installed Lineage but Mattmonā€™s 8.1.

Shoot sorry, it wasnt from this post, ive lost track of which installation guide i used butā€¦it did have me use Lineage.

My guide on GitHub?

yes :slight_smile: sorry, frantic morning here my brain isnt fully workingā€¦

Is there a discord for Lineage TSV, or TSV? Iā€™ve been using the View Assist discord because I havenā€™t found others. Iā€™m sure I will try View Assist eventually, but right now Iā€™m satisfied with getting Fully working well on the TSV.

Second question, is there a simple card to make a clock screen for the TSV as is used in the View Assist demo?

It is confusing - there are so many posts to read through and directions have changed a fair bit over time! :rofl:


Apart from the View Assist Discord server, thereā€™s the ā€˜Can it run Oriā€™ server:

Thatā€™s where @Deadman hangs out who co-produced the Lineage 15.1 ROM. Unfortunately heā€™s been offline for a few weeks now.

Your guide was exactly what I needed! Iā€™m very very rough at doing this so a step by step guide was amazing. Im slowly expanding out my HA setup (some new smart switches, built out like 10 automations in the last weekā€¦), and this was my first time flashing firmware on anything. Im fine with not having all the ā€˜tap to wakeā€™ functionality, but at minimum it sounds like i need to get a presence sensor to turn the screen on/off if people are in the room, and then use the dimming to just minimize the brightness when a movie starts

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Oh, and clock card. I use the digital clock card on HACS:

ā€¦along with card_mod. Very configurable with yaml. My code for fairly big text is:

type: custom:digital-clock
dateFormat: cccc dd LLLL yyyy
timeFormat: HH:mm
  style: |
    ha-card {
      background-color: transparent;
      border-color: transparent;
      box-shadow: none;
    font-size: 10em;
    font-size: 2em;


I canā€™t remember what @Dinki uses on VA but you could also steal that from the clock screen dashboard.


Nice! Right now im trying to learn Bubble cards so i can make a single screen for the table that lets me easily access everything i need

Definitely download Fully Kiosk Browser - although I think you need a licence for motion detection.

Bubble card is excellent - I use that for all my popups and lighting controls :slight_smile: