Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I have, and bought a license. Though thats where i was getting confused, motion detection is enabled, but…it never turns off, so im not sure if theres a conflict in some setting or i missed something…

Ah OK. Have you tried it without being in front of it? :rofl:

Set the screen to turn off after 30 secs or so in the Android display settings. Then turn off ‘keep screen on’ in the Fully Kiosk settings! You can test it that way. Just hide behind the sofa!

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haha, yes i have. the way its positioned it is pointing at the couch, ive not been in the living room at all but i can see from where im at now that the screen is still on :frowning:

Just tried it - screen turns off after 15 seconds (for testing). Fully kiosk motion detect turned on. Works perfectly :slight_smile:

Odd…i just set it, and then re-set the settings, and now it works lol. It did give me a warning to make sure i enabled another setting (prevent sleep on screen off or something liek that) which i enabled this time as well. So thats working at least! now its just fine tuning the dimming :slight_smile:

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yes :slight_smile:
Not sure if the option to turn off when dark detected works though. Sometimes the light sensor is a bit dodgy with apps.

Ya thats what i’d been trying last night, but it goes off and then didnt come back on when trying to tap to wake it up, using the volume to turn it on is an option but seems more frustrating then anything…I’m gonna tinker with it to see if i can get it to dim to like 5% when its dark, so i can still see and control things in the dark but not be too bright its distracting from the movies

With regards to the ADB issues on a Mac computer, did you install Android Platform Tools? Assuming you have brew (homebrew) installed, you could try:

brew install android-platform-tools

Mine is all custom using button card. Might take a little work to decouple some of the JS variables I am using but knock yourself out:

some kind of battery powered proximity sensor would work.

I simply downloaded the zip file containing all the tools, not through homebrew.
It is working with other devices though…

After a few hours of testing, Lineage seems clearly superior to both A8 from the OP:

  • Has real nav buttons
  • Doesn’t have the sleep problem

And to A11:

  • Doesn’t have the wifi / auto start problem
  • Supports the android debug bridge integration (A11 uses one time codes rather than an approval dialog so HA can’t connect), so you can easily wake up from HA.

So far, the only problems I’ve seen:

  1. No tap to wake :frowning: @pgale you mentioned the volume buttons can be used, but I only found a way to configure the camera and mic buttons, not volume. Can you point me in the right direction? Also, any other ideas are welcome
  2. When waking up, it seems to always be in portrait mode, and only then rotates to landscape if the device is horizontal. Not a major problem, just the small nuisance of waiting an extra half second or so.
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Settings - system - buttons - volume buttons wake device.


I think this could be a separate app, as it could be run in the background by fully kiosk. I wonder if HA runs the risk of being too bloated with everything it does?
In this device would you need the HA app, or do you really need a locked down browser with laudio being streamed once local wake word detection picks up the audio to send via Wyoming protocol to your HA server.

I’m not a dev but, essentially the RTPmic app with local wake word detection would be excellent. Then Strean Assist on the HA side (although I feel like knowing Wyoming Satellites exist, I’m surprised that there isn’t a native “listen to this stream” integration where you could name it so you could track what device a query is coming from and take different actions for dashboard popups or TTS responses.

I don’t know about this particular A11 setup, but it’s possible to enable the standard “always on” wireless ADB via build.prop edits on a different A11 device I’ve been fooling with.

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Awesome. With Lineage I finally feel like I found the right OS.


@pgale Followed your guide! Very useful thanks for pulling together.

One thing to note is that the Lenovo/Qualcomm 9008 Driver for me showed as unsigned.

There are 2 ways to deal with this:

  1. Advanced Restart (via Widows Update & Recovery under Settings in Windows) - then select Advanced startup - and option 7 (Disable driver signing)
  2. Because I have a few of these to re-image you can sign the device driver yourself. I followed this guide:
    “How to Self-Sign an unsigned device driver”.
    I use the ISO method (not SDK & WDK) - and then had to make a slight modification to include SHA256 as the encryption for the key.
    If you want me to provide details steps for your github LMK and I’ll create a PR
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Yes it is unsigned - I wish the developers of that driver would do a better job! and fix the USB compatibility issues.

Thanks for the tips.

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just making a PR to your repo with instructions to self-sign

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ok take a peak & LMK what you think. HTH

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