I have an automation that, if one of my cameras detect a person at night, puts a snapshot in /www folder and sets an input boolean to true.
So I can watch the images and tweak my cameras settings to minimalize false positives.
If I would run this automation at daytime, it would trigger more than thousand times.
So ai deceided to turn this automation off at a specific time, and turn it on, when no one is present.
Is this the way to go?
Or should I just let the automation be on and set a condition to “if no one is there”,
As ofcourse nothing happens then, but the automation would start very very often.
I want this automation only to make captures at night. Lets say between 7pm and 8 am.
(I dont use time to turn on and off, but actions like locking the door / unlocking the door for first time, but as example lets stick to time).
I think I got two options to receive this.
First is - what im acutally doing - turn the automation on at 7pm and off at 8am.
Or second use a condition like
if time is between 7pm and 8am (or in my case if input_boolean is on) and leave the automation turned on.
My thoughts are - if I leave the automation turned on at daytime and use condition it will trigger - without exaggeration) more than 1000 times a day.
Ofcourse, because of the condition, nothing will happen - but its triggering.
Is this any problem?
Or doesnt it make any difference if I use a condition or turn automation off?