Is Unifi Doorbell "occupied" state preventing Sonos automation from repeating?

First post! I’m not great at this so excuse the ignorance please!

I have installed the sonos_cloud integration and linked it with my dev account and doorbell chime cloud service sonos side.
I have built out an automation HA side that works, most of the time…

A single press of the doorbell calls my chime mp3 in /www/media and the sound plays into all zones of my sonos system. But unlike my Unifi plugin chime device, pressing the button repeatedly does not sound the chime repeatedly. Though this could be considered ideal for spam control, I see a situation where the chime is not heard and though the visitor keeps pressing the doorbell, no sound is played.

I am not 100% sure but I believe the automation is waiting for the doorbell entity to return to an unoccupied state, as history shows it moving to ‘occupied’ once the doorbell is pressed and then ‘cleared’ at some point after. I’m not sure what clears this state.

I have tried everything I can think of to return the state or clear it to previous with no success. Here’s my automation if it helps, really nothing special I don’t think though:

  • id: ‘1692173829842’
    alias: Doorbell Chime
    description: ‘’
    • platform: state
      • binary_sensor.c08_g4_doorbell_front_door_doorbell
        to: ‘on’
    • service: sonos.snapshot
      with_group: true
      entity_id: all
    • service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_type: music
      volume: 65
      play_on_bonded: true
      • media_player.garage_2
      • media_player.kitchen_2
      • media_player.master_2
      • media_player.master_bath_2
      • media_player.patio_2
        mode: single

Does the chime sound possibly have a very long silent period of time at the endof the mp3 file?

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Nope, sound file is 4 seconds long.