Issue adding Smartthings

So I’m new to HA and am trying to set things up, but I keep running into an issue with Smartthings. Everytime I click it in integrations I get the normal pop-up about it starting the installation, but then it instantly disappears and goes back to the integrations page like nothing happened.

I do see everytime i attempt to add it that this error is popping up in the log but I don’t know enough to actually figure out what I should be looking into.

Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: aiohttp.server
Source: components/webhook/
First occurred: 3:17:50 PM (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:18:17 PM

Error handling request

Any thoughts?

Ended up figuring it out. As I had thought it seemed that HA had done a partial install of Smartthings causing it to not be able to actually initiate an install since it already thought it was installed. Proccess for me was to SSH into the pi(or use the Supervisor SSH & Web Terminal and access from the sidebar in HA).

Use command ‘ls’ to list directory, you should see, among others that a ‘config’ folder exists in the directory you are in. If one does not, then try using the command ‘cd …’ a couple of times to get back to the main directory and try the ‘ls’ command again. Once you see the ‘config’ folder, we go into it with a ‘cd config’ command. We check the contents of this folder using ‘ls -a’ to show us any hidden folders. You should see a ‘.storage’ folder. We go into this folder using ‘cd .storage’ and one more time do a ‘ls -a’ command. We should see that there is a ‘smartthings’ folder in here, and that is what was causing my problem. I then used ‘rm smarttings’ command to delete that folder and checked using the ‘ls -a’ command to make sure it was gone. Then I went back into Integrations and tried installing SmartThings again with no issues.

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Thank you so much, this has not only solved my problem (although I now have a new problem), but i also learned how to use terminal :smiley: