Issue Aqara D1 QBKG25LM + Zigbee2MQTT on CC2538 dongle

I have connected my 3 button Aqara D1 (QBKG25LM) wall switch through CC2538 and zigbee2mqtt bridge addon to HA. It’s turning the lights on and off perfectly but it is seems never reply the new status of the buttons back or zigbee2mqtt do not see them, because when i turns the switch button on through HA and manually turns it off, its still have ON status at home assistant. Also i didnt see the messages about switch button statuses at zigbee2mqtt explorer. When this device is connected through MiHome the status changed without any errors at the MiHome Switch plugin page when i turns the switch buttons on or off manually or through the MiHome application, so the device is working. Also the others aqara sensors connected through the Zigbee2mqtt notmally changing their status, so the CC2538 stick + zigbee2mqtt working properly too, this issue is applied to the integration of this device.

Also when i am looking at the Zigbee2mqtt assistant addon at HA i see the ‘last seen’ timer constantly increasing. Its looks like the messages from this wall switch through the zigbee network discarded by the zigbee2mqtt bridge addon.