Issue connecting to HA after 30 min

I’m new to Home Assistant and I just installed it on a Beelink computer. The OS installation went well and everything was working fine. I was able to log in using homeassistant.local. However, after about 30 minutes, the web page reloaded and displayed an error saying “This site can’t be reached.” I tried restarting the Beelink, and I was able to log back in, but after another 20 to 30 minutes, the issue occurred again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Marcus, welcome to the forum!
What does the console show?

Hi Nick, thanks for your reply. sorry but not quite sure what you mean by console are you referring to the logs?

Do have a monitor connected to the HA server?
You can also take a look at the logs through your browser: Side bar → Settings → System → Logs

This is a screenshot of the log.

Is that all there is?
You can download the full log and post the contents as code (the </> sign in the toolbar)

I downloaded the full log and this is all it had.

2024-07-12 19:11:00.685 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly
2024-07-12 19:11:00.696 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Ended unfinished session (id=9 from 2024-07-12 22:18:18.385328)

It looks like you did a forced reboot of the Beelink computer (i.e. powering it to OFF by doing a long press of the power button).

The SQLLite database of your Home Assistant instance seems to be corrupted.

Since this is a new install I assume there are no valuable data withinin that database yet. Therefore please rename /config/home-assisstant_v2.db to /config/home-assisstant_v2.db.bak and reboot the system.

Home Assistant should automatically rebuild a new home-assisstant_v2.db during startup and you should be able to reach it’s site again.

Tamsy, Thanks for the reply you are correct I’ve got to do a hard reboot when it goes down to reaccess it. It doesn’t have anything valuable yet. I’m not sure where to go to change the name of the config file

What install method did you use? Home Assistant OS?

I used method 2: installing HAOS directly from a boot medium. I just did a clean reinstall and I am getting the same resalts.

Have you re-formatted the disk before doing the clean reinstall?

I have HA (Supervised) installed on a Beelink SER3 and have never faced any issues so far.

No didn’t thank to reformat I will give that a try.

Make sure you never do a force reboot by either long press the power button or by disconnecting your MiniPC from power: If files are being written at the moment that force reboot/power loss happens those files will most probably getting corrupted (or worse the file system table (fstab) gets destroyed).

If you have to initiate a reboot of the system through the MiniPC itself (because i.e. the GUI is unresponsive) doing just a short press of the power button should be sufficient. With this your MiniPC will shutdown safely by closing all open files before shutting itself down. You just have to give it some time until it powers off.

Thanks for the info, I did reformat the drive and reinstall HA and I am still getting the same result it did seem to stay up longer by about an hour but it has become unresponsive it appears as if the system goes into hibernation and won’t wake up then accessed I know that shouldn’t be the case but that is the best way to describe the issue.

Goto the BIOS settings → Advanced → ACPI Settings → Enable Hibernation: Set this to [Disabled].

Also you might want to make sure the system automatically reboots after a power loss:
Goto the BIOS settings → Advanced → FCH Common Options → Auto Power On Options → Auto Power ON: [Power on].

I went into the BIOS and disabled hibernation. While I was in there, I turned on the auto power-on option. Thanks for that suggestion. Then, I ended up going to bed. When I woke up this morning, I was unable to connect to HA. Do you think setting a static IP would make any difference?

You should set a static IP-address for HA (Beelink) on your router.

Then set:

HA → Settings → System → Network → Configure network interfaces → IPv4 → [Automatic]

and set:

HA → Settings → System → Network → Configure network interfaces → IPv6 → [Disabled]

and make sure:

HA → Settings → System → Network → Configure network interfaces → 3 vertical dots lower left → IP Information → Gateway

reflects the IP-address of your router.

Can’t you connect a monitor to the HA server to see what is happening when you cannot reach it anymore from you network.
That way you see if it’s frozen, rebooted, …