Hey there,
I’m just making a new attempt to switch from iobroker to HA and I’m stuck at a strange issue.
I’ve got a Conbee III USB-Stick. Everything is fine. Adding an temp sensor - no problem.
Temperature and humidity data is getting in. Historychart is fine too
But except update.temp_wz_firmware there are no entrys in the log and more important - no data in influxDB for sensor.temp_wz*
Any other sensor.* datas from other devices are logged and in the influxDB.
I also tried not only adding the domain sensor, also tried the entity itself:
host: localhost
port: 8086
database: ****
username: ****
password: ****
- sensor.temp_wz_temperatur
- sensor
- light
- update
instance: prod
I have no clue where to start to troubleshoot.
Any suggestions? Thank you very much
edit: had to remove many screenshots because I’m to new to add more sry