Issue HA on mobile on certain pages

This is on a Pixel 2, using Chrome saved as a link. The main page and all the sub pages load fine and performance is good.

If you click to load the Logbook, it works, but the whole site slows down a ton. I assume it’s because we loaded so much on one page? It can slow down some, not as much, loading to see all the entities…

Anything I can do to help with performance?

The shortest you can do on Logbook is 1 day, if I could make it shorter, like a few hours, maybe…

Paging when it detects mobile possibly?

do you have all your events logged? Trimming down to only the essential items you want to review can help in speeding things up, just less to load.

The rest is just the speed of the hardware and size of the database, there is data crunching to be done to load that page.

I’m just running with the defaults. The database isn’t too large yet, it’s only been running a week and down parts of that timeframe. I do have a few automations that get logged a lot, some that run every 2 minutes, and updates from some smoke alarms that come in a lot. Can you exclude just specific log messages, not entire log types?

The crunching isn’t too bad, few seconds to pull a day, that part is fine. It’s the UI on the browser after it loads, trying to scroll up and down, pull up the left hand pane again to go back to Overview, it’s struggling.

I’m not as worried about the time for the database to be queried, more on the UI after it loads.

Seems like on model if you had pagination options you could set I could fix it by never letting the page get too large, like only show 50 events and a left/right arrow at the bottom.