ISSUE: INPUT_SELECT unusable on an iPhone

I’m switching my scene section over to input selects. On my laptop it looks and works great. But on an iPhone you can’t see or select all the options unless you click on the icon to get the popup:

I’m not having a problem on my iPhone (Safari is the browser I use for HA, even though Chrome is my main browser).

I wonder if it’s the length of characters or how many items. I’ll test more later and post back

It looks like the options require a panel to draw over. Try to change your config to have the select as the last panel and see what happens

Dumb question - How do you change the order of cards?

I have it last in the list:

  view: yes
    - group.family_room
    - group.mediaroom
    - group.outside
    - group.large_garage_door
    - group.people
    - group.bedroom

Just place it higher. Ex. If you want people to be the first card, place “- group.people” directly under “entities:”

Tried that already - group.bedroom was at the top of the list and I moved it to the bottom to test your theory, but it’s still the first card in the panel.

Did you restart HASS after?

Yep! I’m not sure what determines order in the UI, but the order of the entities in my group section doesn’t seem to be it.

Ok, I figured it out - The order comes from the group definitions, not from the entity order for a specific group. Very odd.

I have the same problem that you do - Definitely an issue.

I have the same issue on 0.60
No update since an year on that issue?