Issue Netatmo integration with Ecometer Legrand 412032


I am trying to integrate my Legrand Ecometer 412032 (yes, the one that relies on cloud). The device is visible in the device section, and the various entries that I have configured are seen, but always “unavailable”.
By providing all below info, I hope to solve my issue, and to help all the ones that are in a similar situation. Happy to share more on the topics to assist if I can. :wink: (even thu it is still not working).

Here is the setup:
I run the HAOS:

  • Core 2024.1.3
  • Supervisor 2023.12.0
  • Operating System 11.4
  • Frontend 20240104.0

I followed the instruction as posted multiple times:


  • dev account set up (I have my “Client ID” and “client secret”)
  • webhook not banned; App Status “Activated” and Webhooks “Status Flag green”
  • Instance exposed and reachable via 443 (tested and accessible thru my phone (not on wifi)
  • Instance exposed to (80, 88, 443, 9443 and 8123) for webhook registration.
  • I have a “Let’s Encrypt” SSL certificate
  • I have added my Integration credentials
  • Installed the Netatmo Integration.
  • It detected my device, and all the entries that I created are added.
  • The device (EcoCompteur) is working well and have access to all its data thru the Home+Control App on my phone or on the Website.
  • On the, I can use the “/get meseasure”
    • I have the Device_id and module_id, and using type “sum_energy_elec”, and get a “server response” OK, with a series of value.

To help in debugging I changed the foolowing:
lines in configration.yaml
default: warning
homeassistant.components.netatmo: debug

on the logs:
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Publisher home-65185fa457592f0b8907d8a7 added
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Écocompteur
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Chargeur EV
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Chauffe eau
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Chauffage
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Prises - Eclairage
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Pompe a Chaleur
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Total
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Gaz
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Eau chaude
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Adding DeviceCategory.meter sensor Eau froide
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Publisher weather removed
2024-01-12 14:38:19.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Publisher air_care removed
2024-01-12 14:38:26.182 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo] Register Netatmo webhook:

However, when listening on the netatmo_event in Developer Tools → Events, I never see anything.

Under the Device, the sensor is seen as unavailable:

and under Entities, I have the following:

and keep seeing:
2024-01-13 10:53:33.409 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] No device data available

despite the data being available on the App, or thru the getmeasure…

I hope I have provided enough info and that someone can help.
If more infos are required, let me know.

1 Like

Exactly the same for me. If you have a solution, I’m interested :slight_smile:

Hi, any updates on this? it would be great to see it working, i have the same version

Sorry, not be very present lately…
There is a case open on github (Netatmo - Energy Control app · Issue #106507 · home-assistant/core · GitHub) … hope to get some feedback soon :wink:
Keep you posted …

Hi Everyone,
Has anyone finally been able to integrate the Legrand connected ecometer (ref 4 120 32 or 4 120 33) into Home Assistant?
I can see the power lines listed but no power consumption is available.
(I can provide details if necessary but it seems that no one has succeeded whatever the configuration)
Many thanks.

Have you successfully connected the ecocompteur?