Issue setting the default TTS engine to HA Cloud


I fear I’m missing something obvious here, but I’m at a point where I don’t get it anymore.

  • So I got Home Assistant Cloud, I’ve set up my preferred language and voice in the Settings/Home Assistant Cloud section.
  • Then I went to Settings/Voice assistants/ found the Home Assistant Cloud Assistant and set the TTS voice and language to the same options as above (I’ve found it in Arabic. I guess because of the “A”). The assistant was already preferred.

Now if I call an action, the default answer is still my “old” assistant’s voice. Not the cloud one.

I get the proper voice if I call tts.cloud_say in an automatation, but I would like to have just one voice.
Using set_conversation_response with my chosen voice would be nice too, but that one is also wrong.

Could someone help me out here?

Ok I fixed it myself…there is a third option you have to set if you own a Home Assistant Voice PE.

Within the ESPHome Integration, click the device and change the “Assistant” setting in “Configuration”.