Issue setting up trusted_users

I’m trying to set up an easy way for guests who are visiting my house to access Home Assistant…I’m 90% there and need some help to get to 100%. My config looks like this (my guest subnet is

  - type: homeassistant
  - type: trusted_networks
    trusted_users: !secret guest_user_id
    allow_bypass_login: true

I’ve got the bypass login there but users still get the prompt to log in with a username & password or Trusted Networks like this:

I assumed that with there only being one user available to that subnet, they’d be logged straight in thanks to the trusted_networks and trusted_users config combined with allow_bypass_login: true but this doesn’t seem to be the case?

Bumping this in the hope that someone may be able to point me in the right direction? :smiley:

Another bump, just in case! :+1:

@ZuluWhiskey did you ever figure this out?
I am trying to achieve the same thing but just for one IP/user of my Google Hub.
It works sometimes, but then suddenly the IP gets banned even though there should be no failed login attempts.

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks
      trusted_users: long_cast_user_id
      allow_bypass_login: true

Anyone some tips?
Thank you!

Same issue here…