Hi All,
I am a new user of Home Assistant and recently deployed the HA OS (incl.supervisor) on a TrueNAS server into a Virtual Machine.
I configured it into https, added mqqt mosquito and ring mqtt add-on successfully.
Everything works fine, all ring devices are discovered
Home Assistant Core 2022.6.6 (OS 8.2)
Ring-MQTT with Video Streaming 5.0.2
Mosquitto broker 6.1.2
Regarding my camera and my doorbell 3, I can see the camera snapshots but could not see any live stream (adding card with entity “camera_porte_d_entree_snapshot”)
I can see others entities related to the doorbell device such as ding, sensor info, switch livestream…
But do not have a camera “livestream” entity. The switch livestream show me historical data and button to switch livestream on for 10s
After checking Ring MQTT addon documentation, it seems this requires to integrate as well the camera and doorbell as “Generic Camera” band then tried to configure them via UI
I checked the URLs on camera and doorbell sensor info below:
- Still Image URL
https://myhomeassistant:8123{{ states.camera.porte_d_entree_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}
I just had to remove the special characters and it works then for snapshots
- Stream Source
(user password are the ones I set into the Ring MQQT configuration)
But I encounter an “Unknown Error”
here are the logs from Ring MQTT (i noticed the time is incorrect into the logs, should be +2 hours)
I can see also the following error into HA logs
2022-06-22 12:06:06 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
av.error.InvalidDataError: [Errno 1094995529] Invalid data found when processing input: ‘rtsp://03cabcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/343ea481b62d_live’
I tried also without authentication with the same result/error.
I noticed this into the Mosquito logs as well:
1655888084: New connection from on port 1883.
1655888084: Client closed its connection.
1655888204: New connection from on port 1883.
1655888204: Client closed its connection.
1655888234: Saving in-memory database to /data//mosquitto.db.
1655888324: New connection from on port 1883.
1655888324: Client closed its connection.
1655888444: New connection from on port 1883.
1655888444: Client closed its connection.
1655888564: New connection from on port 1883.
1655888564: Client closed its connection.
Note I keep the default config for MQTT URL into Ring MQTT Add-On (as it seems working fine)
I don’t have any clue how to fix it and as such I am blocked at this point for Live stream integration with mw ring doorbell 3 and my ring camera.
Thank you in advance for your support